Questions tagged [asymptotics]

Questions about asymptotic notations and analysis

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Asymptotic bounds of the following operations

I have a very simple question about the best possible big-O bounds for the following data structure: It starts out empty When you add an element, it is inserted, and the index it was at is associated ...
hLk's user avatar
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Lower bound $\Omega$ grows quicker than upper bound $O$ of a recurrence relation $T(n)$?

In my analysis of algorithms class we were given the following recurrence relation: \begin{eqnarray} T(n) &=& \begin{cases} T\left(\displaystyle\frac{n}{2}\right) + 1, &n \ \mbox{is ...
bubblessss's user avatar
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How to find infinite set $X$, which satisfies $T(n)=Ω(n)$ when $n∈X$

Consider the following recurrence relationship. \begin{eqnarray} T(n) &=& \begin{cases} T\left(\displaystyle\frac{n}{2}\right) + 1, &n \ \mbox{is even number}& \\ 2T\left(\...
t24akeru's user avatar
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Asymptotics of harmonic series [closed]

Show that $$ 1 + \frac{1}{2} + \cdots + \frac{1}{n} = \Theta(\ln n) $$ How do I solve this problem? I tried to to integrate it but I got a weird answer.
Dave's user avatar
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How to solve $T(n)= T(n - 1) + \frac{1}{n\log n}$?

I am interested in the asymptotic bounds of the following recurrence: $$T(n)= T(n - 1) + \frac{1}{n\log n}$$ with base case $T(1) = 1$. I'm having trouble while solving this recurrence. It seems much ...
D. Caruso's user avatar
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Asymptotic complexity of $-\log(c^{1/n} - 1)$

What is the asymptotic complexity of $$f(n) = -\log(c^{1/n} - 1)$$ for some constant $c > 1$? I conjectured $O(\log n)$ and checking WolframAlpha does give $$\lim_{n\to\infty}\frac{f(n)}{\log(n)} = ...
orlp's user avatar
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Multiple Variables in Asymptotic Notation

I am trying to understand the multiple variable definition of an asymptotic notation. Particularly the definition in Wikipedia. It's also discussed in Asymptotic Analysis for two variables? but I ...
iRestMyCaseYourHonor's user avatar
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Is $𝑂(𝑛^{1/2}) = \Omega(𝑛^{\sin(n)})$?

As $-1 <\sin(n) < 1$, So $n^{\sin(n)}$ is bounded, but square root of $n$ tends to infinity. Is my logic correct? But from the other perspective, $1/n \leq n^{\sin(n)} \leq n$. I am confused.
Diana 's user avatar
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Which grows asymptotically faster, $\log \sqrt{n}$ or $4 \log n$?

I have been looking at the question as to which grows faster asymptotically; $\log \sqrt n$ or $4 \log n$. I have applied L'Hopitals rule and ended up with 1/8. This would imply that they grow at ...
david's user avatar
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Is $n^2 \log n$ in $O (n^2)$ am confused

I graphed the functions and when $n_0$ is greater than $3$, $cg(n)$ is always greater than $n^2 \log n$ so it would seem to me by definition that $m^2 \log n$ is in $O (n^2) $. I tried to prove it by ...
david's user avatar
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Can you add up all the nodes of a special binary tree in polynomial time, in respect to the number of levels?

Let's say you have a binary tree defined by a group $S=\{a:[5,6],b:[7,67],c:[45,12],...\}$ (this group is just an example). The binary tree is constructed so that there are two starting parent nodes, $...
DUO Labs's user avatar
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Big Oh and Big Omega when $n$ and $\log n$ terms are in $f(n)$

having problems with big oh and big omega functions when there is a $\log n$ added or subtracted. For example how do I deal with $n+\log n$ or $n-\log n$ when I have to determine whether the function ...
david's user avatar
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Computational indistinguishability for any distribution using a Chernoff bound

I had a question about a general statement regarding finding a computationally indistinguishable distribution given any distribution, observed (in the third paragraph of Section 11, page 31) here. ...
Sid Meier's user avatar
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What are the guidelines/tips for calculating the complexity of a chained-recursive function?

Any help will be appreciated, as I wasn't able to find much about it online in the last few days and I can't seem to write a suitable recurrence relation for this kind of functions.. Are there any ...
DolevBaron's user avatar
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Master theorem: $T(n)=10T(n/9)+n\lg(n)$

I am told to solve the recurrence $$T(n)=10T(n/9)+n\lg(n)$$ using the Master theorem. I then try to use case 3. However, I am unable to show that for $f(n)=n\lg(n)$ then $10f(n/9) \leq cn\lg(n)$ for $...
TheCollegeStudent's user avatar
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Average case running time of quick sort

How to show that the quick-sort algorithm runs in $O(n^2)$ time on average ? Because on average, the expected running time is in $O(n\log n)$. The algorithm should not be in exponential time.
user132073's user avatar
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Adding $\Theta$ notations in a recursive setting

I know the fact that if we have two functions $f$ and $g$ it is valid to say that: $$ \Theta( f(n) + g(n)) = \Theta( \max\{f(n), g(n)\})$$ My question is if this is valid when $g$ is not a separate ...
CSch of x's user avatar
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Solving recurrence $T(n) = T(n - 1) + n$ with substitution method

How can I solve the following recurrence $T(n) = T(n - 1) + n$ with the substitution method? I guess the solution is $\Theta(n^2)$ I try to demonstrate $O(n^2)$: $$T(n) \leq O(n^2) \\ \leq c(n-1)^2+n ...
Vincenzo Iannucci's user avatar
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Does exponential time always beat polynomial time? $n^{\frac{1}{2}}$ vs $2^{\sqrt{log \,n}}$

I was told that exponential time always beats polynomial time but doesn't this not work for: $n^{\frac{1}{2}}$ vs $2^{\sqrt{log \,n}}$? If we take $log_2$ on both of them we get: $\frac{1}{2}log \,n &...
heretoinfinity's user avatar
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Proving bounds for a function

I'm kinda confused by Asymptotics, the exercises in the book I'm reading say to prove for example $f(n) = \Omega(g(n))$, and there is something I don't understand about these kind of proofs. Do I have ...
kasra's user avatar
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Constant terms at each level of a recursion tree

In CLRS, exercise 4.4-5 the following question is asked: Use a recursion tree to determine a good asymptotic upper bound on the recurrence $$T(n) = T(n-1) + T(n/2) + n$$ In my recursion tree, the ...
Cirrus86's user avatar
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Proving big-theta complexity with constants in $f(n)$

I am working through a problem in which I have to prove that a particular $f(n) = \Theta(g(n))$. I know that for this to be true there need to exist positive constants $c_1$, $c_2$, and $n_0$ such ...
John McIntyre's user avatar
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Big theta notation in substitution proofs for recurrences

Often in CLRS, when proving recurrences via substitution, $\Theta(f(n))$ is replaced with $cf(n)$. For example, on page 91, the recurrence $$ T(n) = 3T(⌊n/4⌋) + \Theta(n^2) $$ is written like so in ...
Cirrus86's user avatar
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Problem from the Cormen appendix C 1.13

I am currently working on CLRS 1.13. The idea is to use Stirling's approximation to prove that $${2n \choose n} = \frac{2^{2n}}{\sqrt{\pi n}} \left( 1 + O \left( \frac{1}{n} \right) \right)$$ Now ...
carlos palma's user avatar
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$\Theta(n^2 ) =\Theta(n^2 + 1)$

I'm reading The Algorithm Design Manual and this is one of the excersizes: Prove or disprove the following statement: $\Theta(n^2 ) = \Theta(n^2 + 1)$ I think this is untrue because the right side ...
kasra's user avatar
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Is big O notation additive?

For example, I have one program that requires $O(i)$ time complexity, and a second program requires $O(j)$ time complexity. Would the total time complexity be $O(i+j)$? And why?
yupbank's user avatar
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Calculator for time complexity of recursive functions

Is there an online tool that returns the time complexity of recursion functions? For instance, when I enter $T(n) = T(n/2) + n$, I'd like to get $\Theta(n)$. I tried using Wolfram Alpha, but it doesn'...
Niv's user avatar
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How to check if an algorithm's running time is linear/polynomial in its input size? Multiple variables

I am reading a proof that the Subset Sum decision problem is NP-complete. I know that the time complexity is always calculated based on the number of bits of the input in binary, hence the $\log{W}$. ...
mateleco's user avatar
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Time complexity and upper and lower bounds

Consider the following algorithm: (the print operation prints a single asterisk; the operation x = 2x doubles the value of the ...
kasra's user avatar
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Operations with Asymptotic Notations

I am wondering is anyone has something like a cheatsheet with all the operations between $O(n)$, $\Theta(n)$, $\Omega(n)$, $o(n)$, $\omega(n)$. For example, this is something I don't know how to solve:...
OscarTheMighty's user avatar
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Asymptotic notation between two sets of variables

I have problems interpreting the definition of asymptotic notation where the functions involve two different set of variables. I am quite confident with the definition of $f(n) = O(g(n))$ and its ...
Enrico D'Arco's user avatar
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Counting letter frequency in array in O(1) with hash function

I want to calculate the frequency of each character in an array. (e.g ['a', 'b', 'o', 'p'] There are several ways to do this: A Simple brute-force over the array would need $O(n^2)$ time and $O(n)$ ...
HelloWorld's user avatar
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Ω(f(x)) and worst case analysis

I'm currently reading The Algorithm Design Manual by Steven S. Skiena as my first book to algorithms. Something in the asymptotic part is kind of confusing to me. Proving the Theta The analysis above ...
kasra's user avatar
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Trouble finding average case of a find max algorithm

I'm trying to find the average case number of times that max is assigned by the algorithm findMax included below. ...
Hex's user avatar
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The Algorithm Design Manual - Working with the Big Oh

I'm reading The Algorithm Design Manuel and one part is kind of confusing to me The part that's confusing to me is how in the "Proving the Theta" section he proves that selection sort is Ω(n^...
kasra's user avatar
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Solving the recurrence $T(n)=T(n-2)+n^2$ with the iterative method

I'm trying to solve this recurrence. I applied the iterative method: $$T(n) = T(n-2)+n^2$$ $$=T(n-4)+(n-2)^2+n^2$$ $$=T(n-6)+(n-4)^2+(n-2)^2+n^2$$ $$\cdot$$$$\cdot$$$$\cdot$$ $$=T(n-2k) + \sum_{i=0}^{...
Vincenzo Iannucci's user avatar
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Finding the Big-O and Big-Omega bounds of a program

I am asked to select the bounding Big-O and Big-Omega functions of the following program: ...
Adam Lee's user avatar
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Finding which functions are bounded by $O(n^2)$

I am asked to select the functions that are bounded by the Big-Oh function O(n^2): $f(n) \in O(n^2)$. $f(n) = \sum_{i=1}^{n} n$ $f(n) = \sum_{i=1}^{n} i$ $f(n) = n + n^2$ $f(n) = 1$ I choose the ...
Adam Lee's user avatar
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Is there a real life example of algorithm that has running time $\Theta(1)$

I am a CS first year student, and as I was reviewing over the theta notation unit, I saw that $\Theta(1)$ exists. I was wondering if there was any real life example algorithm that has a running time ...
nero's user avatar
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Big Oh rules - How to argue in case of negative base

Let us say you have a function $C_n = (-2)^n + 2^n$. It would seem that it would be correct to assume that the running time of this algorithm would be $O(2^n)$. However, how would I go about arguing ...
Jonas Julian Noro's user avatar
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Comparison of $(\log^* n)!$ and $(n\log n)^b$ [duplicate]

How can I compare $(\log^*n)!$ with $(n\log n)^b$? I know that $n^b<n!$.
Dee Pi's user avatar
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Worst case analysis of $100n + 5$ for different $n$

For the function $f(n) = 100n + 5$, what is the asymptotic complexity of $f(n)$ in terms of Big O notation. I guess it is $O(n)$, but how can I prove it ?
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Solving $T(n) = 4T(n/2) + n^3$ with substituton method

I am trying to solve the following recurrence $T(n) = 4T(n/2) + n^3$ with substitution method. My guess is $T(n) = \Theta (n^3)$ (I used master theorem) and I tried to show that $T(n) \leq cn^3$. But, ...
Vincenzo Iannucci's user avatar
8 votes
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Isn't linear time O(n)?

In the question in this video about quicksort luckily picking the median in each recursive call. Tim Roughgarden, the presenter, says at 11:22 Partition needs really linear time, not just $O(n)$ time....
heretoinfinity's user avatar
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Comparing two algorithms for all-pairs shortest paths

I read in my notes: If we use Dijkstra $|V|$ times ($|V|$ number of vertices) for finding all-pairs shortest paths in graph $G$, we get time complexity for Dijkstra algorithm as $O(VE+ V^2 \log V)$, ...
S. Christin's user avatar
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Doing induction on recurrences correctly

I have $$T(n)=T(n-1)+n^{2}$$ And I know, by drawing the recursion tree that this is $\Theta (n^{3})$ However, if I try claiming that it's $O(n^{2})$ through induction: $$T(n)\le c(n-1)^{2}+n^{2}\le cn^...
Essam's user avatar
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Solving $T(n)=3T(\lfloor \frac{n}{3}\rfloor) +2n\log n$

I want to solve $$T(n)=3T\bigl(\bigl\lfloor \frac{n}{3}\bigr\rfloor\bigr) +2n\log n,$$ with base case $T(n) = 1$ if $n \leq 1$. I am sure that the Master Theorem does not work. I am trying a lot with ...
Frank's user avatar
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Recurrence relations and induction: guessing the right bound

I'm currently dealing with the problem $$T(n)=T(\sqrt{n})+T(n-1)+n$$ This doesn't seem to show any pattern when continously broken down as a whole, but I was able to find the complexity of $$T(n)=T(n-...
Essam's user avatar
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Failing to solve a recurrence by induction

My question is strongly related to the one asked here: How do I show T(n) = 2T(n-1) + k is O(2^n)? $$T(n)=2T(n-1)+1$$ Going with the steps, I reached the point where: $$c*2^{n}\geq c*2^{n}+1$$ which ...
Essam's user avatar
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Solving $T(n) = 16T(n/2) + n$

I am trying to solve the following recurrence relation :- $T(n)=16T(n/2)+n$ using masters theorem. I got $\Theta (n^2)$ (Which matched the first case in the theory) which is wrong, any help with this ...
user128695's user avatar

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