Questions tagged [computational-linguistics]

9 questions with no upvoted or accepted answers
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Why is part of speech tagging is closely related to word sense disambiguation?

It's written here Word Sense Disambiguation: A Structured Learning Perspective: 2.1 Basics of Word Sense Disambiguation ...the POS is usually provided before WSD. POS tagging is closely ...
R. S.'s user avatar
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What's the meaning of linguistics?

In the programming language theory world, there are two important terminologies, i.e syntax, and semantics. I can understand these two terminologies: syntax is about sentence's structure (e.g. a valid ...
chansey's user avatar
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Induction / (machine learning) of Resource Grammars for Grammatical Framework?

Grammatical Framework is based in Abstract Categorial Grammars. It is known that Combinatory Categorial Grammars have grammar induction/learning capabilities see e.g.
TomR's user avatar
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Are there known algorithms for generating abbreviations from a (sequence) of words (similar to hyphenation)

I'm currently developing a custom UI layout library. At the moment a user of that library should supply strings for UI labels in a format that allow for subsequent shortening of those labels, so that ...
datenwolf's user avatar
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Combining Computer Science and Humanities

I currently hold a bachelors in Computer science and a masters in Art History. I really want to combine the two and I know of Digital Humanities but I'm not completely aware of where Digital Humanists ...
dcs1's user avatar
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Second-order Markov text generation?

Looking at this video starting at 1:45, the author claims to be using a second-order approximation for a Markov text generation. He has one letter which he outputs followed by another letter which ...
rb612's user avatar
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Evaluation of annotation

I'm doing a research on NLG systems. I need to annotate my corpus (~6 million words) automatically. My algorithm works well and I want to calculate Cohen's Kappa. What I cannot understand is the ...
user57562's user avatar
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How can feature structures be applied to text summarization?

I'm looking for innovative ways to create text summaries and I was wondering whether feature structures can be used for such a task. Is it possible to create subsume and unification methods that ...
amirouche's user avatar
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Context Sensitive Grammar for the language $\{a^nb^nc^n\mid n≥1\}$

I tried many grammars and so far I got this one: \begin{align} &S \to aXbZ \mid abc \\ &XZ \to Ybcc \\ &Xb \to bX \\ &bY \to Yb \\ &aY \to aa \mid aaX \end{align} Is my grammar ...
James Tan's user avatar