Questions tagged [shortest-path]

Questions about the algorithmic problems of finding shortest paths between nodes in a graph.

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1 answer

Coding the labyrinth solver

The question mathematically has been answered here: To summarize, in an unknown strongly ...
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3 answers

Dijkstra's shortest path algorithm without relaxation

Although I have found a very similar question to what I want to ask here (, yet I didn't find a satisfactory ...
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1 answer

Minimum number of skips needed for shortest path

In a directed, weighted graph with non-negative weights we are asked to find a path from a starting node s to node t that weights $\leq W$. In our given graph there is no such path but we have the ...
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1 answer

MIT 6006 Quiz 2: The shortest path task

I'm looking for some clarifications on an algorithmic task I've been trying to solve. This task is a part of Quiz 2 from the MIT 6.006 course. The main idea of creating ...
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Profitable sequence in a $k$-partite DAG

This question is an extension of this one. Let $D(V, A)$ be a $k$-partite DAG; $P = \{ p_k : 1 \leqslant k \leqslant |P| \}$ such that $p_k \cap p_l = \emptyset$, $\forall k,l : k \neq l$, and $\...
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1 answer

Longest path of directed graph with cycle and now weights

If you have a unweighted directed graph with possible cycles, what algorithm would you use to find the longest path without visiting the same node twice? Also, there are multiple starting nodes... The ...
1 vote
1 answer

Shortest paths in $k$-partite DAG

Let $D(V, A)$ be a $k$-partite DAG; $P = \{ p_k : 1 \leqslant k \leqslant |P| \}$ such that $p_k \cap p_l = \emptyset$, $\forall k,l : k \neq l$, and $\bigcup_{1 \leqslant k \leqslant |P|} p_k = V$ ...
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1 answer

How to deal with cost variation in a dynamic graph when applying Dijkstra

What are the methods to deal with variations in cost in a dynamic graph when applying Dijkstra? For instance, I select the shortest path in a graph, however, the weight of this path changed after I ...
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1 answer

Find a path that contains specific nodes without back and forward edges

I have a directed graph and and a set of nodes(set = [1,2,5,9,24...]). I want to find a path that contains all the set of nodes and this path dont contain back edges(cycles) and forward edges. For ...
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1 answer

A pathfinding algorithm for graphs in which arc weights can change over time

So I'm not really sure even what to be googling for solutions to this. Hence this question, hopefully, someone can point me in the right direction. Here's the situation, I have a weighted undirected ...
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1 answer

Shortest path problem with multiple objectives

I would like to solve a shortest path problem on a graph $\mathcal{G}= (\mathcal{V},\mathcal{A})$, which comes to minimize : \begin{equation} \label{eq:1} \underset{\{x_{ij}\}}{\text{argmin}}\biggl\{\...
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1 answer

Bellman Ford may not update distance correctly by termination?

Consider the example shown in the above figure. Let's consider two orders (1) S, A, B and (2) S, B, A for traversing the graph and updating the distance d (numbers in circle are distance d): 1- start ...
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1 answer

Dynamic Programming as DAGs - Solution Always Shortest Path?

I've been trying to get a deeper understanding of how dynamic programming works and came across how it can be represented as directed acyclic graphs (DAGs). It's easy to see why, nodes represent the ...
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1 answer

Using A* path finding is giving me inaccurate results

So I am using A* pathfinding to find a path from a person, to a node on a graph. This person has a few 'must pass' nodes that they must go through. So my solution was to run the algorithm for each of ...
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0 answers

Admissible Heuristic wiki

I couldn't understand the following part on admissible heuristic on wiki. How does it reach that they have to be equal? Admissible heuristic only says the eval needs to be equal/less than the true ...
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1 answer

How can i do this type of swap(4-opt) between 4 edges of a graph?

The double bridge move is a specific type of swap between 4 edges of a graph, also called 4-opt. It consists of removing 2 pairs of edges. Let`s call them (I, I+1), (J, J+1) and (P, P+1), (Q, Q+1). ...
1 vote
1 answer

Implementation check for Kruskal's algorithm used for maze generation

I have a pathfinding project and I want to use Kruskal's algorithm as a maze generator. I am using a rank-based disjoint set data structure to detect cycles, which seems to be the standard way. ...
1 vote
2 answers

How to get the shortest simple path in a directed Graph with an additional constraint that it needs to use two arcs in the said path

I have a directed graph that has positive weights (but there are reverse arcs) and I am trying to find the shortest path between a given source, s and a given sink, ...
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1 answer

Minimum distance of nodes from a set of two nodes

In an unweighted tree, suppose that we want to delete (or mark) any node which is closer to node $v$ than node $w$ ($dist(x,v) < dist(x,w)$). The solution that comes to my mind is running two BFS, ...
2 votes
1 answer

Does the Nth iteration of Bellman-Ford relax every edge reachable from a negative cycle?

Consider a graph $G$ with $N$ nodes, with the distance of each node initially set to infinity (there is no start node). If there are no negative cycles in the graph, then after $N - 1$ iterations of ...
3 votes
3 answers

Can the loops be in any order in the Floyd-Warshall algorithm?

I have a question about the Floyd Warshall algorithm. Here is the code from the Wikipedia page: ...
3 votes
1 answer

Retrieving the cheapest path of a graph with time-dependent edge weights

There are many efficient algorithms for finding the shortest path in a network, like dijkstra's or bellman-ford's. But what if the weights of edges are time-dependent? I'm trying to find an efficient ...
4 votes
1 answer

Conditional lower bounds on the running time of the single source shortest path problem

Just out of curiosity, I was wondering whether there is a conditional lower-bound on the running time of an algorithm for the Single Source Shortest Path Problem (on directed or undirected graphs). I ...
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The second shortest path on a directed graph [closed]

The question asks to write an algorithm using Dijkstra's algorithm with time complexity of $\Theta(|E| \log |V|)$ that find the second shortest path between $s∈V$ and $t∈V$. The farthest I managed to ...
10 votes
3 answers

Find shortest path between two vertices that uses at most one negative edge

Given a directed graph $G = \langle V,E \rangle$ with $n$ vertices and $m$ edges and a weight function $w:E \rightarrow \mathbb{R}$, together with two vertices $s$ and $t$ in $V$: Describe an ...
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0 answers

Distance to specific node incremental addition

Let us say I have an empty graph G and a list of nodes N to add to the graph one-by-one. Let us say that I will have a node <...
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1 answer

Shortest Hamiltonian Path in a Complete Graph

I know that, in general, the Shortest Hamiltonian Path Problem in a general weighted graph is NP-complete. I am wondering, however, if the restriction to a complete weighted graph admits an algorithm ...
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2 answers

Calculate shortest cycle that contains node $s$

Let $ G(V, E, w)$ be a graph with no negative weights. Describe an algorithm that returns the shortest cycle containing a node $ v $. I came across this algorithm
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2 answers

Could this novel algorithm be qualified to be published in Nature or Science

I recently designed an algorithm for single-source shortest paths in graph structures, which can limit the number of edges as Bellman-Ford while approaching the performance of SPFA. Of course, it also ...
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0 answers

JPS-like path finding algorithm that keeps a distance from the obstacles?

I am using the JPS algorithm to find the shortest path from start $S$ to goal $G$ on a binary grid where each cell can be eithe 0 (free) or 1 (obstacle). Now, I would like my algorithm to take into ...
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0 answers

Lookup Using Path Matrix in Floyd Warshall Algorithm

How is the path matrix created by the Floyd Warshall algorithm used for path lookup? The 2 images show the graph (b) and the path matrix (c). Both are taken from the book: Foundations of Algorithms by ...
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Probabilistic Pathfinding

Here an interesting graph problem I've recently saw: After a heist in New York City, a group must reach Miami within a set timeframe to catch an escape boat. Their vehicle's GPS shows U.S. routes with ...
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1 answer

find the shortest path between two vertices with Dijkstra (Increase and deacrese wieght one by one)

We have a weighted and undirected graph. I want to find the shortest path between two vertices with Dijkstra algorithm. But in the path, the weight of the edges should be increased and decreased one ...
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1 answer

Question about step in proof that predecessor subgraph forms a breadth-first tree

Given the following theorem and definitions from Introduction to Algorithms 3rd edition by CLRS: Theorem 22.5: (Correctness of breadth-first search) Let $G = (V, E)$ be a directed or undirected graph, ...
29 votes
3 answers

Retrieving the shortest path of a dynamic graph

I'm studying shortest paths in directed graphs currently. There are many efficient algorithms for finding the shortest path in a network, like dijkstra's or bellman-ford's. But what if the graph is ...
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0 answers

State-of-the-Art techniques on dynamic shortest path computations

Suppose that I would like to find the shortest path between two vertices in a dynamic graph, where the cost function of an edge changes occasionally. I understand that an efficient algorithm to target ...
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0 answers

How to compute the updated shortest paths given a set of edge insertions efficiently?

Let $G = (V, E)$ be a graph with edge weights $w: E \rightarrow \mathbb{R} \cup \{\infty\}$. Let $P := \{(a_i, b_i, w_i)\}$ be a set of tuples of nodes $a_i, b_i \in V$ with shortest distance $w_i$ ...
3 votes
1 answer

Shortest path with a start vertex that touches all nodes at least once with repeats allowed

I tried looking this problem up for quite a bit now, but can't seem to find a whole lot of discussion about this. At first it sounded like the TSP to me, but I don't think so (it's much harder to do I ...
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Running time of variant of Dijkstra's algorithm

Consider the problem of finding the shortest-path distances from an origin vertex to all other vertices in a digraph. Normally in Dijkstra's algorithm, we visit the vertex whose shortest distance from ...
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0 answers

Can the shortest path problem be solved using Monte Carlo Tree Search?

I think Monte Carlo Tree Search could be used to find the shortest path, but it seems that this method is only used considering win/lose outcomes in the simulation step. If we consider the path ...
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1 answer

Solving shortest path with negative weights with linear program. What is the underlying problem we want to solve?

Let us consider a shortest path problem with weights $w_e$ for each edge $e$. It can be formulated as a (integer) linear program (ILP). \begin{align} \min \quad &\sum_{e \in E} w_e x_e \\ s.t. \...
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1 answer

Finding shortest path between two points in a polygon whose vertices are given?

A contiguous single polygon is specified by it's vertices $(v_1, \ldots, v_n)$, given in order such that the line between $v_i$ and $v_{i+1}$ is an edge of the polygon (there's also an edge between $...
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0 answers

k-shortest paths with iso-timing constraint

I would like to solve the $k$ shortest paths on a directed graph $\mathcal{G}= (\mathcal{V},\mathcal{A})$ : \begin{equation} \label{eq:1} \underset{\{x_{ij}\}}{\text{argmin}}\biggl\{\sum_{(i,j)\in\...
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1 answer

bellman ford and one surprizing fact

I ran into a very surprising local contest problem. after finishing bellman ford algorithm, if we continue to updating distance and distance of one vertex v being updated, then v is on negative cycle....
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2 answers

Single Source Shortest Path Problem with Multiple Weights Each Edge

I am trying to solve the single source shortest path problem, but with the added constraint that there is an additional weight on each edge (so we have two weights in total for each edge, call them p ...
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Importance of an edge regarding distances

Given a graph $G=(V,E)$ and any edge $(u,v) \in E$, let us denote by $G_{(u,v)}=(V,E\setminus\{(u,v)\})$ obtained from $G$ by removing this edge. I am interested in the difference between the average ...
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0 answers

Inverted Min Cost Max Flow

I'm starting to think there's no possible solution to this problem, but before jumping to conclusions I want to confirm it with collective knowledge. Let's imagine that there's a 2D grid, where S ...
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0 answers

Is Dijkstra's algorithm used in cheapest airfare calculators?

Is Dijkstra's shortest-path graph algorithm used in cheapest airfare calculators like Expedia or CheapAir?
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0 answers

Finding the shortest path with Bellman-Ford [duplicate]

I feel this is a basic question but have been stuck at this for days. Consider an undirected graph with positive weights on its edges. The goal is to find is to get the shortest path between any two ...
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1 answer

Route planning on line segments which can be connected or not

I have several lines that are shown in different colours, do not know which are connected to each other in advance. I want to do path planning only using these lines, i.e., route planning. If I am ...

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