I've been looking over sorting algorithms for linked list and I here's what I came up with.
As we know, for element access arrays will work better than linked list also. Also, there is the benefit of elements being stored in consecutive memory location andlocations: due to spatial locality of cache, arrays give better performance.
Thus for sorting linked list: 1)Extract all elements from linked list to a array : O(n)
2)Sort the array using Quick Sort : Theta(n logn)
3)Store the elements in Linked List : O(n)
Extract all elements from linked list to a array: $O(n)$
Sort the array using quicksort: $\Theta(n \log n)$
Store the elements in linked list: $O(n)$
Is this approach better than all the other approachapproaches for sorting linked lists such as this :using merge sort directly, as described on Algorithmgeeksforgeeks.
If there's anything missing in my question or if you feel to down vote, please comment it. Thanks