This was a question at SO, and I think it's very interesting, I thought about it, but I could not provide any efficient algorithm neither showing the NP-Hardness:
Find the length of the longest non-decreasing sequence through adjacent, non-repeating cells (including diagonals). For example, in the following grid, one legal path (though not the longest) that could be traced is 0->3->7->9 and its length would be 4.
8 2 4
0 7 1
3 7 9
The path can only connect adjacent locations (you could not connect 8 -> 9). The longest possible sequence for this example would be of length 6 by tracing the path 0->2->4->7->7->9 or 1->2->4->7->7->8.
For first attempts and possible misinterpretations is not bad to see thisthis answer at SO.
My question: above problem is in $P$?