I am currently reading “AroraArora and BarakBarak's , Computational Complexity”;Computational complexity. In chapterChapter 4 (Space complexity) , they say the following:
Since the TM's work tapes are separated from its input tape, it makes sense to consider space-bounded machines that use space less than the input length, namely, $S(n) < n$. This is in contrast to time-bounded computation, where $\mathbf{DTIME}(T(n))$ for $T(n) < n$ does not make much sense since the TM does not have enough time to read the entire input. We will require however than $S(n) > \log n$ since the work tape has length $n$ [my highlight], and we would like the machine to at least be able to "remember" the index of the cell of the input tape that it is currently reading.
I doubt that onethe highlighted statement is true:.
AsAs you can see , it says that to be able to remember the indexes of input tape, so “Since the work tape has length $n$” Could
“Since the work tape has length $n$”
could not be true and it should be: “Since the input tape has length $n$”
“Since the input tape has length $n$”
If this is not a typo, so i confuseI am confused why it mentionmentions that the work tape has length of $n$, as we know that it may have smaller length ?.