No, the intuition doesn't really scale very well, especially not if you want the optimal solution.
The problem is known as Independent Set and is not only NP-complete, but even W[1]-complete.
There are heuristics youYou can use, e.g.,try the following greedy algorithm: pick the smallest degree neighbor into your solution, delete the neighborhood, and rinse and repeat. Of course this is not guaranteed to give a very good answer, but it does give a solution which is not more than a factor $1/\Delta$ smaller than the optimal, where $\Delta$ is the maximum degree of the input graph.
Another wayalternative is to use LP (rounding)rounding for finding the smallest vertex cover. The complement of a vertex cover is an independent set. You can also experiment with using randomized rounding:
LP relaxation for I.S.: maximize $\sum_{v \in V} x_v$ constrained to $x_u + x_v \leq 1$ for every edge $uv \in E$, and $0 \leq x_v \leq 1$ for all $v \in V$. With randomized rounding, we take the variable $x_v$ as the probability of selecting $v$ to the solution. Finally clean up the solution by removing arbitrarily endpoints of edges in the solution.