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I'm wondering how to approach this question. Let e1, . . ., en$e_1, \ldots, e_n$ be n$n$ horizontal segments in the plane. Find, in linear time, a line that intersects all the segments and has the largest possible slope, or determine that there is no such line. Appreciate the help.

I'm wondering how to approach this question. Let e1, . . ., en be n horizontal segments in the plane. Find, in linear time, a line that intersects all the segments and has the largest possible slope, or determine that there is no such line. Appreciate the help.

I'm wondering how to approach this question. Let $e_1, \ldots, e_n$ be $n$ horizontal segments in the plane. Find, in linear time, a line that intersects all the segments and has the largest possible slope, or determine that there is no such line.

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Find, in linear time, a line that intersects all the segments and has the largest possible slope, or determine that there is no such line

I'm wondering how to approach this question. Let e1, . . ., en be n horizontal segments in the plane. Find, in linear time, a line that intersects all the segments and has the largest possible slope, or determine that there is no such line. Appreciate the help.