(This needs to be fixed:) This is an attempt; please check.
The trees produced by BFS canLet $G=(V,E)$ be characterized by the facta connected (undirected) graph and $v\in V$ be a vertex, then consider all subgraphs $T=(V,F)$ of $G$ such that each node is at minimal distance:
Let $G=(V,E)$ be a connected (undirected) graph and $v\in V$ be a vertex, then there is a subgraph $T$ of $G$ such that:
$T$ is a tree.
There exists a total order $<$ on $V$ such that:
a. For all vertices $w \in V: v \leq w$.
b. For all vertices $w_1,w_2,w_3 \in V$, if $\{w_1,w_3\}$ and $\{w_2,w_3\}$ are edges of $G$ and $w_1 < w_2$, then $\{w_1,w_2\}$ is an edge of $T$.
For each vertex $w\in V$, its distance to $v$ is the same in $G$ and $T$.
There is a total order $<$ on $V$ such that:
a. For each vertex $w \in V: v \leq w$.
b. An edge $\{ w,x \} \in E$ is in $F$ if and only if there is no edge $\{ y,x \} \in E$ with $y < w$.
The trees produced by BFS should be exactly the trees satisfying this condition; the order is a BFS order. A proof should be analogous to a proof of Tarjan's theorem.