Just a note:
rational-weighted recurrent $NN$s having boolean activation functions (simple thresholds) are equivalent to finite state automata (Minsky, "Computation: finite and infinite machines", 1967);
rational-weighted recurrent $NN$s having linear sigmoid activation functions are equivalent to Turing Machines (Siegelmann and Sontag ???, "On the computational power of neural nets", 1995);
real-weighted recurrent $NN$s having linear sigmoid activation functions are more powerful than Turing Machines ("Siegelmann and Sontag, "Analog computation via neural networks", Siegelmann and Sontag, 1993);
but ...
- real-weighted recurrent $NN$s with Gaussian noise on the outputs cannot recognize arbitrary regular languages ("Maass and Sontag, "Analog Neural Nets with Gaussian or Other Common Noise DistributionsNoiseDistributions Cannot Recognize Arbitrary Regular Languages", Maass and Sontag , 1995);