iI wanted to ask u if someone can help me to construct a Regular Expressionregular expression over the alphabet (a,b,x),$\{a,b,x\}$ for the language $L$ which is constituted by all strings containing an odd number of a's$a$'s, and in which between each pair of consecutive a's$a$'s there is an even number of b's $b$'s (and an arbirtary number of x's$x$'s). E.g.
For example, babbxbbxabbxaabxxbax E L(A)$babbxbbxabbxaabxxbax \in L$, bab E L(A)$bab \in L$, while abba NOT E L(A)$abba \notin L$ and abbbaa NOT E L(A)$abbbaa \notin L$.
What is the approach?