Lets imagine we have a satisfiable formula F(A0, A1,...Ak,S0,...,Sn).$F(A_0, A_1,...A_k,S_0,...,S_n)$ The problem to solve is "Is there an assignment for variables S0,...,Sn$(S_0,...,S_n)$ which will make F unsatisfiable?". One way of solving is to find all solutions for F in terms of variables S0,...,Sn$S_0,...,S_n$ and if the count is < 2^n$2^n$, the missing solution will be the answer, but the complexity of this algorithm is huge, if the number of such assignments is small.
My questions are:
- Is there a way to solve the problem with less SAT solver calls?
- Is it a well-known problem in theory (What I should google to read about it)?