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One way of doing this is to have two new classes NPO and PO that contain optimizations problems and they mimic of course the classes NP and P for decision problems. New reductions are necessaryneeded as well. Then we can recreate a version of NP-hardness for optimization problems along the lines that was successful for decision problems. But first we have to agree what an optimization-problem is.

Definition: Let $O=(X,L,f,opt)$ be an optimization-problem. $X$ is the set of inputs or instances suitable encoded as strings. $L$ is a function that maps each instance $x\in X$ onto a set of strings, the feasible solutions of instance $x$. It is a set because there are many solutions to an optimization-problem. Thus we haven an objective function $f$ that tells us for every pair $(x, y)$ $y\in L(x)$ of instance and solution its cost or value. $opt$ tells us wheterwhether we are maximizing or minimizing.

  1. $X\in P$
  2. There is a polynomial $p$ with $|y|\le p(|x|)$ for all instances $x\in X$ and all feasible solutions $y\in L(x)$. Furthermore there is an deterministic algorithm that decides in polynomial time whether $y\in L(x)$.
  3. $f$ can be evaluated in polynomial typetime.

Example: A simple greedy-algorithm can approximate $\mathsf{Minimum-SetCover}$. An analsysisanalysis shows that $$\frac{|C|}{|C^*|}\le H_n\le 1+\ln(n)$$ and thus $\mathsf{Minimum-SetCover}$ would be $\frac{\ln(n)}{1+\ln(n)}$-approximable.

As before we call an approximation-algorithm $A$ an $r$-approximation-algorithm for the optimization-problem $O$ if the approximation-ratio $r_A(x)$ is bounded by $r\ge1$ for every input $x\in X$. $$r_A(x)\le r$$ And yet again if we have an $r$-approximation-algorithm $A$ for the optimization-problem $O$ then $O$ is called $r$-approximable. Again we onlzeonly care about to the worst-case and define the maximal approximation-ratio $r_A(n)$ to be $$r_A(n)=\sup\{r_A(x)\mid |x|\le n\}.$$ Accordingly the approximation-ratio is larger than $1$ for suboptimal solutions. Thus better solutions have smaller ratios. For $\mathsf{Minimum-SetCover}$ we can now write that it is $(1\ln(n))$$(1+\ln(n))$-approximable. And in case of $\mathsf{Minimum-VertexCover}$ we know from the previous example that it is $2$-approximable. Between relative error and approximation-ratio we have simple relations: $$r_A(x)=\frac{1}{1-\epsilon_A(x)}\qquad \epsilon_A(x)=1-\frac{1}{r_A(x)}.$$

Let $O$ be an optimization-problemsproblem from $NPO$ and $\mathcal{C}$ a class of optimization-problems from $NPO$ then $O$ is called $\mathcal{C}$-hard with respect to $\le_{AP}$ if for all $O'\in\mathcal{C}$ $O'\le_{AP} O$ holds.

One way of doing this is to have two new classes NPO and PO that contain optimizations problems and they mimic of course the classes NP and P for decision problems. New reductions are necessary as well. Then we can recreate a version NP-hardness for optimization problems along the lines that was successful for decision problems. But first we have to agree what an optimization-problem is.

Definition: Let $O=(X,L,f,opt)$ be an optimization-problem. $X$ is the set of inputs or instances suitable encoded as strings. $L$ is a function that maps each instance $x\in X$ onto a set of strings, the feasible solutions of instance $x$. It is a set because there are many solutions to an optimization-problem. Thus we haven an objective function $f$ that tells us for every pair $(x, y)$ $y\in L(x)$ of instance and solution its cost or value. $opt$ tells us wheter we are maximizing or minimizing.

  1. $X\in P$
  2. There is a polynomial $p$ with $|y|\le p(|x|)$ for all instances $x\in X$ and all feasible solutions $y\in L(x)$. Furthermore there is an deterministic algorithm that decides in polynomial time whether $y\in L(x)$.
  3. $f$ can be evaluated in polynomial type.

Example: A simple greedy-algorithm can approximate $\mathsf{Minimum-SetCover}$. An analsysis shows that $$\frac{|C|}{|C^*|}\le H_n\le 1+\ln(n)$$ and thus $\mathsf{Minimum-SetCover}$ would be $\frac{\ln(n)}{1+\ln(n)}$-approximable.

As before we call an approximation-algorithm $A$ an $r$-approximation-algorithm for the optimization-problem $O$ if the approximation-ratio $r_A(x)$ is bounded by $r\ge1$ for every input $x\in X$. $$r_A(x)\le r$$ And yet again if we have an $r$-approximation-algorithm $A$ for the optimization-problem $O$ then $O$ is called $r$-approximable. Again we onlze care about to the worst-case and define the maximal approximation-ratio $r_A(n)$ to be $$r_A(n)=\sup\{r_A(x)\mid |x|\le n\}.$$ Accordingly the approximation-ratio is larger than $1$ for suboptimal solutions. Thus better solutions have smaller ratios. For $\mathsf{Minimum-SetCover}$ we can now write that it is $(1\ln(n))$-approximable. And in case of $\mathsf{Minimum-VertexCover}$ we know from the previous example that it is $2$-approximable. Between relative error and approximation-ratio we have simple relations: $$r_A(x)=\frac{1}{1-\epsilon_A(x)}\qquad \epsilon_A(x)=1-\frac{1}{r_A(x)}.$$

Let $O$ be an optimization-problems from $NPO$ and $\mathcal{C}$ a class of optimization-problems from $NPO$ then $O$ is called $\mathcal{C}$-hard with respect to $\le_{AP}$ if for all $O'\in\mathcal{C}$ $O'\le_{AP} O$ holds.

One way of doing this is to have two new classes NPO and PO that contain optimizations problems and they mimic of course the classes NP and P for decision problems. New reductions are needed as well. Then we can recreate a version of NP-hardness for optimization problems along the lines that was successful for decision problems. But first we have to agree what an optimization-problem is.

Definition: Let $O=(X,L,f,opt)$ be an optimization-problem. $X$ is the set of inputs or instances suitable encoded as strings. $L$ is a function that maps each instance $x\in X$ onto a set of strings, the feasible solutions of instance $x$. It is a set because there are many solutions to an optimization-problem. Thus we haven an objective function $f$ that tells us for every pair $(x, y)$ $y\in L(x)$ of instance and solution its cost or value. $opt$ tells us whether we are maximizing or minimizing.

  1. $X\in P$
  2. There is a polynomial $p$ with $|y|\le p(|x|)$ for all instances $x\in X$ and all feasible solutions $y\in L(x)$. Furthermore there is an deterministic algorithm that decides in polynomial time whether $y\in L(x)$.
  3. $f$ can be evaluated in polynomial time.

Example: A simple greedy-algorithm can approximate $\mathsf{Minimum-SetCover}$. An analysis shows that $$\frac{|C|}{|C^*|}\le H_n\le 1+\ln(n)$$ and thus $\mathsf{Minimum-SetCover}$ would be $\frac{\ln(n)}{1+\ln(n)}$-approximable.

As before we call an approximation-algorithm $A$ an $r$-approximation-algorithm for the optimization-problem $O$ if the approximation-ratio $r_A(x)$ is bounded by $r\ge1$ for every input $x\in X$. $$r_A(x)\le r$$ And yet again if we have an $r$-approximation-algorithm $A$ for the optimization-problem $O$ then $O$ is called $r$-approximable. Again we only care about to the worst-case and define the maximal approximation-ratio $r_A(n)$ to be $$r_A(n)=\sup\{r_A(x)\mid |x|\le n\}.$$ Accordingly the approximation-ratio is larger than $1$ for suboptimal solutions. Thus better solutions have smaller ratios. For $\mathsf{Minimum-SetCover}$ we can now write that it is $(1+\ln(n))$-approximable. And in case of $\mathsf{Minimum-VertexCover}$ we know from the previous example that it is $2$-approximable. Between relative error and approximation-ratio we have simple relations: $$r_A(x)=\frac{1}{1-\epsilon_A(x)}\qquad \epsilon_A(x)=1-\frac{1}{r_A(x)}.$$

Let $O$ be an optimization-problem from $NPO$ and $\mathcal{C}$ a class of optimization-problems from $NPO$ then $O$ is called $\mathcal{C}$-hard with respect to $\le_{AP}$ if for all $O'\in\mathcal{C}$ $O'\le_{AP} O$ holds.

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One way of doing this is to have two new classes NPO and PO that contain optimizations problems and they mimic of course the classes NP and P for decision problems. New reductions are necessary as well. Then we can recreate a version NP-hardness for optimization problems very muchalong the same aslines that was successful for decision problems. But first we have to agree what an optimization-problem is.

Definition: Let $O=(X,L,f,opt)$ be an optimization-problem. $X$ is the set of inputs or instances suitable encoded as strings. $L$ is a function that maps each instance $x\in X$ onto a set of strings, the feasible solutions of instance $x$. It is a set because there are many solutions to an optimization-problem. Thus we haven an objective function $f$ that tells us for every pair $(x, L(x))$$(x, y)$ $y\in L(x)$ of instance and solution set its cost or value. $opt$ tells us wheter we are maximizing or minimizing.

  1. $X\in P$
  2. There is a polynomial $p$ with $|y|\le p(|x|)$ for all instances $x\in X$ and all feasible solutions $y\in L(x)$. Furthermore there is an deterministic algorithm thethat decides in polynomial time whether $y\in L(x)$.
  3. $f$ can be evaluated in polynomial type.
  1. We can verify efficiently if $x$ is actually a valid instance of our optimization problem.
  2. The size of the feasible solutions is bounded polynomially in the size of the inputs, And we can verify efficiently if $y\in L(x)$ is a fesible solution of the instance $x$.
  3. The value of a solution $y\in L(x)$ can be determined efficiently.

Now we have totwo types of errors: The absolute error of a feasible solution $y\in L(x)$ of an instance $x\in X$ of the optimization-problem $O=(X,L,f,opt)$ is $|f(x,y)-f(x,y^*)|$.

Example: According to the Theorem of Vizing the chromatic index of a graph (the least number of colours, where an in the edge coloring exists forwith the graphfewest number of colors used) is either $\Delta$ or $\Delta+1$, where $\Delta$ is the maximal node degree. From the proof of the theorem an approximation algorithm-algorithm can be devised that computes an edge coloring with $\Delta+1$ colours. AccordingAccordingly we have an approximation-algorithm for the $\mathsf{Minimum-EdgeColoring}$-Problem where the abolsuteabsolute error is bounded by $1$.

The choice of $\max\{f(x,A(x)),f(x,y^*)\}$ in the denominator of the definition of the relative error was selected to make the definition symmetric for maximizing and minimizing. The value of the relative error $\epsilon_A(x)\in[0,1]$. In case of a maximizing problem the value of the solution is never lessenless than $(1-\epsilon_A(x))\cdot f(x,y^*)$ and never larger than $1/(1-\epsilon_A(x))\cdot f(x,y^*)$ for a minimizing problem.

We do not want to look at the error for every instance $x$, we look only at the worst case-case. Thus we define $\epsilon_A(n)$, the maximal relativ error of the approximation-algorithm $A$ for the optimization-problem $O$ to be $$\epsilon_A(n)=\sup\{\epsilon_A(x)\mid |x|\le n\}.$$

Therefore ifIf the relative error is close to $1$ the following definition is advantageous.

As before we call an approximation-algorithm $A$ an $r$-approximation-algorithm for the optimization-problem $O$ if the approximation-ratio $r_A(x)$ is bounded by $r\ge1$ for every input $x\in X$. $$r_A(x)\le r$$ And yet again if we have an $r$-approximation-algorithm $A$ for the optimization-problem $O$ then $O$ is called $r$-approximable. Again we reduce ourselvesonlze care about to the worst case-case and define the maximal approximation-ratio $r_A(n)$ to be $$r_A(n)=\sup\{r_A(x)\mid |x|\le n\}.$$ Accordingly the approximation-ratio is larger than $1$ for suboptimal solutions. Thus better solutions have smaller ratios. For $\mathsf{Minimum-SetCover}$ we can now write that it is $(1\ln(n))$-approximable. And in case of $\mathsf{Minimum-VertexCover}$ we know from the previous example that it is $2$-approximable. Between relative error and approximation-ratio we have simple relations: $$r_A(x)=\frac{1}{1-\epsilon_A(x)}\qquad \epsilon_A(x)=1-\frac{1}{r_A(x)}.$$

We are almost through. We would like to copy the successful ideas of reductions and completness from complexity theory. The observation is that many NP-hard decision variants of optimization-problems are reducible to each other while their optimization variants have different properties regarding their approximability. This is due to the polynomialtime-KrapKarp-reduction used in NP-completness reductions, which does not preserve the objective function. And even if the objective functions is preserved the polynomialtime-KrapKarp-reduction may change the quality of the solution.

What we need is a stronger version of the reduction, which not only maps instances from optimization-problem $O_1$ to instanceinstances of $O_2$, but also good solutions from $O_2$ back to good solutions from $O_1$.

One way of doing this is to have two new classes NPO and PO that contain optimizations problems and they mimic of course the classes NP and P for decision problems. New reductions are necessary as well. Then we can recreate a version NP-hardness for optimization problems very much the same as for decision problems. But first we have to agree what an optimization-problem is.

Definition: Let $O=(X,L,f,opt)$ be an optimization-problem. $X$ is the set of inputs or instances suitable encoded as strings. $L$ is a function that maps each instance $x\in X$ onto a set of strings, the feasible solutions of instance $x$. It is a set because there are many solutions to an optimization-problem. Thus we haven an objective function $f$ that tells us for every pair $(x, L(x))$ of instance and solution set its cost or value. $opt$ tells us wheter we are maximizing or minimizing.

  1. $X\in P$
  2. There is a polynomial $p$ with $|y|\le p(|x|)$ for all instances $x\in X$ and all feasible solutions $y\in L(x)$. Furthermore there is an deterministic algorithm the decides in polynomial time whether $y\in L(x)$.
  3. $f$ can be evaluated in polynomial type.
  1. We can verify efficiently if $x$ is actually a valid instance of our optimization problem
  2. The size of the feasible solutions is bounded polynomially in the size of the inputs, And we can verify efficiently if $y\in L(x)$ is a fesible solution of the instance $x$.
  3. The value of a solution $y\in L(x)$ can be determined efficiently.

Now we have to types of errors: The absolute error of a feasible solution $y\in L(x)$ of an instance $x\in X$ of the optimization-problem $O=(X,L,f,opt)$ is $|f(x,y)-f(x,y^*)|$.

Example: According to the Theorem of Vizing the chromatic index of a graph (the least number of colours, where an edge coloring exists for the graph) is either $\Delta$ or $\Delta+1$ where $\Delta$ is the maximal node degree. From the proof of the theorem an approximation algorithm can be devised that computes an edge coloring with $\Delta+1$ colours. According we have an approximation-algorithm for the $\mathsf{Minimum-EdgeColoring}$-Problem where the abolsute error is bounded by $1$.

The choice of $\max\{f(x,A(x)),f(x,y^*)\}$ in the denominator of the definition of the relative error was selected to make the definition symmetric for maximizing and minimizing. The value of the relative error $\epsilon_A(x)\in[0,1]$. In case of a maximizing problem the value of the solution is never lessen than $(1-\epsilon_A(x))\cdot f(x,y^*)$ and never larger than $1/(1-\epsilon_A(x))\cdot f(x,y^*)$ for a minimizing problem.

We do not want to look at the error for every instance $x$, we look only at the worst case. Thus we define $\epsilon_A(n)$, the maximal relativ error of the approximation-algorithm $A$ for the optimization-problem $O$ to be $$\epsilon_A(n)=\sup\{\epsilon_A(x)\mid |x|\le n\}.$$

Therefore if the relative error is close to $1$ the following definition is advantageous.

As before we call an approximation-algorithm $A$ an $r$-approximation-algorithm for the optimization-problem $O$ if the approximation-ratio $r_A(x)$ is bounded by $r\ge1$ for every input $x\in X$. $$r_A(x)\le r$$ And yet again if we have an $r$-approximation-algorithm $A$ for the optimization-problem $O$ then $O$ is called $r$-approximable. Again we reduce ourselves to the worst case and define the maximal approximation-ratio $r_A(n)$ to be $$r_A(n)=\sup\{r_A(x)\mid |x|\le n\}.$$ Accordingly the approximation-ratio is larger than $1$ for suboptimal solutions. Thus better solutions have smaller ratios. For $\mathsf{Minimum-SetCover}$ we can now write that it is $(1\ln(n))$-approximable. And in case of $\mathsf{Minimum-VertexCover}$ we know from the previous example that it is $2$-approximable. Between relative error and approximation-ratio we have simple relations: $$r_A(x)=\frac{1}{1-\epsilon_A(x)}\qquad \epsilon_A(x)=1-\frac{1}{r_A(x)}.$$

We are almost through. We would like to copy the successful ideas of reductions and completness from complexity theory. The observation is that many NP-hard decision variants of optimization-problems are reducible to each other while their optimization variants have different properties regarding their approximability. This is due to the polynomialtime-Krap-reduction used in NP-completness reductions, which does not preserve the objective function. And even if the objective functions is preserved the polynomialtime-Krap-reduction may change the quality of the solution.

What we need is a stronger version of the reduction, which not only maps instances from optimization-problem $O_1$ to instance $O_2$, but also good solutions from $O_2$ back to good solutions from $O_1$.

One way of doing this is to have two new classes NPO and PO that contain optimizations problems and they mimic of course the classes NP and P for decision problems. New reductions are necessary as well. Then we can recreate a version NP-hardness for optimization problems along the lines that was successful for decision problems. But first we have to agree what an optimization-problem is.

Definition: Let $O=(X,L,f,opt)$ be an optimization-problem. $X$ is the set of inputs or instances suitable encoded as strings. $L$ is a function that maps each instance $x\in X$ onto a set of strings, the feasible solutions of instance $x$. It is a set because there are many solutions to an optimization-problem. Thus we haven an objective function $f$ that tells us for every pair $(x, y)$ $y\in L(x)$ of instance and solution its cost or value. $opt$ tells us wheter we are maximizing or minimizing.

  1. $X\in P$
  2. There is a polynomial $p$ with $|y|\le p(|x|)$ for all instances $x\in X$ and all feasible solutions $y\in L(x)$. Furthermore there is an deterministic algorithm that decides in polynomial time whether $y\in L(x)$.
  3. $f$ can be evaluated in polynomial type.
  1. We can verify efficiently if $x$ is actually a valid instance of our optimization problem.
  2. The size of the feasible solutions is bounded polynomially in the size of the inputs, And we can verify efficiently if $y\in L(x)$ is a fesible solution of the instance $x$.
  3. The value of a solution $y\in L(x)$ can be determined efficiently.

Now we have two types of errors: The absolute error of a feasible solution $y\in L(x)$ of an instance $x\in X$ of the optimization-problem $O=(X,L,f,opt)$ is $|f(x,y)-f(x,y^*)|$.

Example: According to the Theorem of Vizing the chromatic index of a graph (the number of colours in the edge coloring with the fewest number of colors used) is either $\Delta$ or $\Delta+1$, where $\Delta$ is the maximal node degree. From the proof of the theorem an approximation-algorithm can be devised that computes an edge coloring with $\Delta+1$ colours. Accordingly we have an approximation-algorithm for the $\mathsf{Minimum-EdgeColoring}$-Problem where the absolute error is bounded by $1$.

The choice of $\max\{f(x,A(x)),f(x,y^*)\}$ in the denominator of the definition of the relative error was selected to make the definition symmetric for maximizing and minimizing. The value of the relative error $\epsilon_A(x)\in[0,1]$. In case of a maximizing problem the value of the solution is never less than $(1-\epsilon_A(x))\cdot f(x,y^*)$ and never larger than $1/(1-\epsilon_A(x))\cdot f(x,y^*)$ for a minimizing problem.

We do not want to look at the error for every instance $x$, we look only at the worst-case. Thus we define $\epsilon_A(n)$, the maximal relativ error of the approximation-algorithm $A$ for the optimization-problem $O$ to be $$\epsilon_A(n)=\sup\{\epsilon_A(x)\mid |x|\le n\}.$$

If the relative error is close to $1$ the following definition is advantageous.

As before we call an approximation-algorithm $A$ an $r$-approximation-algorithm for the optimization-problem $O$ if the approximation-ratio $r_A(x)$ is bounded by $r\ge1$ for every input $x\in X$. $$r_A(x)\le r$$ And yet again if we have an $r$-approximation-algorithm $A$ for the optimization-problem $O$ then $O$ is called $r$-approximable. Again we onlze care about to the worst-case and define the maximal approximation-ratio $r_A(n)$ to be $$r_A(n)=\sup\{r_A(x)\mid |x|\le n\}.$$ Accordingly the approximation-ratio is larger than $1$ for suboptimal solutions. Thus better solutions have smaller ratios. For $\mathsf{Minimum-SetCover}$ we can now write that it is $(1\ln(n))$-approximable. And in case of $\mathsf{Minimum-VertexCover}$ we know from the previous example that it is $2$-approximable. Between relative error and approximation-ratio we have simple relations: $$r_A(x)=\frac{1}{1-\epsilon_A(x)}\qquad \epsilon_A(x)=1-\frac{1}{r_A(x)}.$$

We are almost through. We would like to copy the successful ideas of reductions and completness from complexity theory. The observation is that many NP-hard decision variants of optimization-problems are reducible to each other while their optimization variants have different properties regarding their approximability. This is due to the polynomialtime-Karp-reduction used in NP-completness reductions, which does not preserve the objective function. And even if the objective functions is preserved the polynomialtime-Karp-reduction may change the quality of the solution.

What we need is a stronger version of the reduction, which not only maps instances from optimization-problem $O_1$ to instances of $O_2$, but also good solutions from $O_2$ back to good solutions from $O_1$.

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One way of doing this is to have two new classes NPO and PO that contain optimizations problems and theithey mimic of course the classes NP and P for decision problems. New reductions are necessary as well. Then we can recreate a version NP-hardness for optimization problems very much the same as for decision problems. But first we have to agree what an optimization-problem is.

Definition: Let $O=(X,L,f,opt)$ be an optimization-problem. $X$ is the set of inputs or instances suitable encoded as strings. $L$ is a function that maps each instance $x\in X$ onto a set of strings, the feasible solutions of instance $x$. ItIt is a set because there are many solutions to an optimization-problem. Thus we haven an objective function $f$ that tells us for every pair $(x, L(x))$ of instance and solution set its cost or value. $opt$ tells us wheter we are maximizing or minimizing.

This allows us to define what an optimal solution is: Let $y_{opt}\in L(x)$ be the optimal solution of an instance $x\in X$ of an optimization problem-problem $O=(X,L,f,opt)$ with $$f(x,y_{opt})=opt\{f(x,y')\mid y'\in L(x)\}.$$ The optimal solution is often denoted by $y^*$.

Now we can define the class NPO: Let $NPO$ be the set of all optimization problems-problems $O=(X,L,f,opt)$ with:

  1. We can verify efficiently if $x$ is actually a valid instance of our optimization problem
  2. The size of the feasible solutions is bounded polynomially in the size of the inputs, And we can verify efficiently if $y\in L(x)$ is a fesible solutionfsolution of the instance $x$.
  3. The value of a solution $y\in L(x)$ can be determined efficiently.

Now we are able to define what we want to call an approximation-algorithm: An approximation-algorithm of an optimization problem-problem $O=(X,L,f,opt)$ is an algorithmsalgorithm that computes a feasible solution $y\in L(x)$ for an instance $x\in X$.

Now we have to types of errors: The absolute error of a feasible solution $y\in L(x)$ of an instance $x\in X$ of the optimization problem-problem $O=(X,L,f,opt)$ is $|f(x,y)-f(x,y^*)|$.

We call the absolute error of an approximation algorithm-algorithm $A$ for the optimization-problem $O$ bounded by $k$ if the algorithm $A$ computes for every instance $x\in X$ a feasible solution with an absolute error bounded by $k$.

This example is rather an exception, small absolute errors are rare, thus we define the relative error $\epsilon_A(x)$ of the approximation algorithm-algorithm $A$ on instance $x$ of the optimization problem-problem $O=(X,L,f,opt)$ with $f(x,y)>0$ for all $x\in X$ and $y\in L(x)$ to be

where $A(x)=y\in L(x)$ is the feasible solution computed by the approximation algorithm-algorithm $A$.

We can now define approximation-algorithm $A$ for the optimization problem-problem $O=(X,L,f,opt)$ to be a $\delta$-approximation-algorithm for $O$ if the relative error $\epsilon_A(x)$ is bounded by $\delta\ge 0$ for every instance $x\in X$, thus $$\epsilon_A(x)\le \delta\qquad \forall x\in X.$$

The choice of $\max\{f(x,A(x)),f(x,y^*)\}$ in the denominator of the definition of the relative error was selectselected to make the definition symmetric for maximizing and minimizing. The value of the relative error $\epsilon_A(x)\in[0,1]$. In case of a maximiyingmaximizing problem the value of the solution is never lessen than $(1-\epsilon_A(x))\cdot f(x,y^*)$ and never larger than $1/(1-\epsilon_A(x))\cdot f(x,y^*)$ for a minimizing problem.

Now we can call an optimization problem-problem $\delta$-approximable if there is a $\delta$-approximation-algorithm $A$ for $O$ that runs in polynomial time.

We do not want to look at the error for every instance $x$, we look only at the worst case. Thus we define $\epsilon_A(n)$, the maximal relativ error of the approximation algorithm-algorithm $A$ for the optimization problem-problem $O$ to be $$\epsilon_A(n)=\sup\{\epsilon_A(x)\mid |x|\le n\}.$$

Example: A maximal matching in a graph can be transformed in to a minimal node cover $C$ by adding all incident nodes from the matching to the vertexcoververtex cover. Thus $1/2\cdot |C|$ edges are covered. As each vertex cover including the optimal one must have one of the nodes of each covered edge, otherwise it could be improved, we have $1/2\cdot |C|\cdot f(x,y^*)$. It follows that $$\frac{|C|-f(x,y^*)}{|C|}\le\frac{1}{2}$$ Thus the greedy algorithm for a maximal matching is a $1/2$-approximatio-algorithm for $\mathsf{Minimal-VertexCover}$. Hence $\mathsf{Minimal-VertexCover}$ is $1/2$-approximable.

Let $O=(X,L,f,opt)$ be an optimization problem-problem with $f(x, y)>0$ for all $x\in X$ and $y\in L(x)$ and $A$ an approximation-algorithm for $O$. The approximation ratio-ratio $r_A(x)$ of feasible solution $A(x)=y\in L(x)$ of the instance $x\in X$ is $$r_A(x)=\begin{cases}1&f(x,A(x))=f(x,y^*)\\\max\left\{ \frac{f(x,A(x))}{f(x, y^*)},\frac{f(x, y^*)}{f(x, A(x))}\right\}&f(x,A(x))\ne f(x,y^*)\end{cases}$$

As before we call an approximation-algorithm $A$ an $r$-approximation-algorithm for the optimization problem-problem $O$ if the approximation ratio-ratio $r_A(x)$ is bounded by $r\ge1$ for every input $x\in X$. $$r_A(x)\le r$$ And yet again if we have an $r$-approximation-algorithm $A$ for the optimization problem-problem $O$ then $O$ is called $r$-approximable. Again we reduce ourselves to the worst case and define the maximal approximation ratio-ratio $r_A(n)$ to be $$r_A(n)=\sup\{r_A(x)\mid |x|\le n\}.$$ IfAccordingly the approximation ratio-ratio is larger than $1$ for suboptimal solutions. Thus better solutions have smaller ratios. For $\mathsf{Minimum-SetCover}$ we can now write that it is $(1\ln(n))$-approximable. And in case of $\mathsf{Minimum-VertexCover}$ we nowknow from the previous example that it is $2$-approximable. Between relative error and approximation ratio-ratio we have simple relations: $$r_A(x)=\frac{1}{1-\epsilon_A(x)}\qquad \epsilon_A(x)=1-\frac{1}{r_A(x)}.$$

For small deviations from the optimum $\epsilon<1/2$ and $r<2$ the relative error is advantageous over the approximation ration-ratio, that shows is strengthits strengths for large deviations $\epsilon\ge 1/2$ and $r\ge 2$.

The two versions of $\alpha$-approximable don’t overlap as one version has always $\alpha\le 1$ and the other $\alpha\ge 1$. The case $\alpha=1$ is not problematic as this is only reached by algorithms that produce an exact solution and consequentially need not be treated as approximation algorithms-algorithms.

Another class appears often APX. It is define as the set of all optimization problems-problems $O$ from $NPO$ that haven an $r$-approximation algorithm-algorithm with $r\ge1$ that runs in polynomial time.

We are almost through. We would like to copy the successful ideas of reductions and completness from complexity theory. The observation is that many NP-hard decision variants of optimization problems-problems are reducible to each other while their optimization variants have different properties regarding their approximability. This is due to the polynomialtime-Krap-reduction used in NP-completness reductions, which does not preserve the objective function. And even if the objective functions is preserved the polynomialtime-Krap-reduction may change the quality of the solution.

Finally we can define what we mean by $\mathcal{C}$-hard and $\mathcal{C}$-complete for optimization problems-problems:

Let $O$ be an optimization problems-problems from $NPO$ and $\mathcal{C}$ a class of optimization problems-problems from $NPO$ then $O$ is called $\mathcal{C}$-hard with respect to $\le_{AP}$ if for all $O'\in\mathcal{C}$ $O'\le_{AP} O$ holds.

One way of doing is to have two new classes NPO and PO that contain optimizations problems and thei mimic of course the classes NP and P for decision problems. New reductions are necessary as well. Then we can recreate a version NP-hardness for optimization problems very much the same as for decision problems. But first we have to agree what an optimization-problem is.

Definition: Let $O=(X,L,f,opt)$ be an optimization-problem. $X$ is the set of inputs or instances suitable encoded as strings. $L$ is a function that maps each instance $x\in X$ onto a set of strings, the feasible solutions of instance $x$. It is a set because there are many solutions to an optimization-problem. Thus we haven an objective function $f$ that tells us for every pair $(x, L(x))$ of instance and solution set its cost or value. $opt$ tells us wheter we are maximizing or minimizing.

This allows us to define what an optimal solution is: Let $y_{opt}\in L(x)$ be the optimal solution of an instance $x\in X$ of an optimization problem $O=(X,L,f,opt)$ with $$f(x,y_{opt})=opt\{f(x,y')\mid y'\in L(x)\}.$$ The optimal solution is often denoted by $y^*$.

Now we can define the class NPO: Let $NPO$ be the set of all optimization problems $O=(X,L,f,opt)$ with:

  1. We can verify efficiently if $x$ is actually a valid instance of our optimization problem
  2. The size of the feasible solutions is bounded polynomially in the size of the inputs, And we can verify efficiently if $y\in L(x)$ is a fesible solutionf of the instance $x$.
  3. The value of a solution $y\in L(x)$ can be determined efficiently.

Now we are able to define what we want to call an approximation-algorithm: An approximation-algorithm of an optimization problem $O=(X,L,f,opt)$ is an algorithms that computes a feasible solution $y\in L(x)$ for an instance $x\in X$.

Now we have to types of errors: The absolute error of a feasible solution $y\in L(x)$ of an instance $x\in X$ of the optimization problem $O=(X,L,f,opt)$ is $|f(x,y)-f(x,y^*)|$.

We call the absolute error of an approximation algorithm $A$ for the optimization-problem $O$ bounded by $k$ if the algorithm $A$ computes for every instance $x\in X$ a feasible solution with an absolute error bounded by $k$.

This example is rather an exception, small absolute errors are rare, thus we define the relative error $\epsilon_A(x)$ of the approximation algorithm $A$ on instance $x$ of the optimization problem $O=(X,L,f,opt)$ with $f(x,y)>0$ for all $x\in X$ and $y\in L(x)$ to be

where $A(x)=y\in L(x)$ is the feasible solution computed by the approximation algorithm $A$.

We can now define approximation-algorithm $A$ for the optimization problem $O=(X,L,f,opt)$ to be a $\delta$-approximation-algorithm for $O$ if the relative error $\epsilon_A(x)$ is bounded by $\delta\ge 0$ for every instance $x\in X$, thus $$\epsilon_A(x)\le \delta\qquad \forall x\in X.$$

The choice of $\max\{f(x,A(x)),f(x,y^*)\}$ in the denominator of the definition of the relative error was select to make the definition symmetric for maximizing and minimizing. The value of the relative error $\epsilon_A(x)\in[0,1]$. In case of a maximiying problem the value of the solution is never lessen than $(1-\epsilon_A(x))\cdot f(x,y^*)$ and never larger than $1/(1-\epsilon_A(x))\cdot f(x,y^*)$ for a minimizing problem.

Now we can call an optimization problem $\delta$-approximable if there is a $\delta$-approximation-algorithm $A$ for $O$ that runs in polynomial time.

We do not want to look at the error for every instance $x$, we look only at the worst case. Thus we define $\epsilon_A(n)$, the maximal relativ error of the approximation algorithm $A$ for the optimization problem $O$ to be $$\epsilon_A(n)=\sup\{\epsilon_A(x)\mid |x|\le n\}.$$

Example: A maximal matching in a graph can be transformed in to a minimal node cover $C$ by adding all incident nodes from the matching to the vertexcover. Thus $1/2\cdot |C|$ edges are covered. As each vertex cover including the optimal one must have one of the nodes of each covered edge, otherwise it could be improved, we have $1/2\cdot |C|\cdot f(x,y^*)$. It follows that $$\frac{|C|-f(x,y^*)}{|C|}\le\frac{1}{2}$$ Thus the greedy algorithm for a maximal matching is a $1/2$-approximatio-algorithm for $\mathsf{Minimal-VertexCover}$. Hence $\mathsf{Minimal-VertexCover}$ is $1/2$-approximable.

Let $O=(X,L,f,opt)$ be an optimization problem with $f(x, y)>0$ for all $x\in X$ and $y\in L(x)$ and $A$ an approximation-algorithm for $O$. The approximation ratio $r_A(x)$ of feasible solution $A(x)=y\in L(x)$ of the instance $x\in X$ is $$r_A(x)=\begin{cases}1&f(x,A(x))=f(x,y^*)\\\max\left\{ \frac{f(x,A(x))}{f(x, y^*)},\frac{f(x, y^*)}{f(x, A(x))}\right\}&f(x,A(x))\ne f(x,y^*)\end{cases}$$

As before we call an approximation-algorithm $A$ an $r$-approximation-algorithm for the optimization problem $O$ if the approximation ratio $r_A(x)$ is bounded by $r\ge1$ for every input $x\in X$. $$r_A(x)\le r$$ And yet again if we have an $r$-approximation-algorithm $A$ for the optimization problem $O$ then $O$ is called $r$-approximable. Again we reduce ourselves to the worst case and define the maximal approximation ratio $r_A(n)$ to be $$r_A(n)=\sup\{r_A(x)\mid |x|\le n\}.$$ If the approximation ratio is larger than $1$ for suboptimal solutions. Thus better solutions have smaller ratios. For $\mathsf{Minimum-SetCover}$ we can now write that it is $(1\ln(n))$-approximable. And in case of $\mathsf{Minimum-VertexCover}$ we now from the previous example that it is $2$-approximable. Between relative error and approximation ratio we have simple relations: $$r_A(x)=\frac{1}{1-\epsilon_A(x)}\qquad \epsilon_A(x)=1-\frac{1}{r_A(x)}.$$

For small deviations from the optimum $\epsilon<1/2$ and $r<2$ the relative error is advantageous over the approximation ration that shows is strength for large deviations $\epsilon\ge 1/2$ and $r\ge 2$.

The two versions of $\alpha$-approximable don’t overlap as one version has always $\alpha\le 1$ and the other $\alpha\ge 1$. The case $\alpha=1$ is problematic as this is only reached by algorithms that produce an exact solution and consequentially need not be treated as approximation algorithms.

Another class appears often APX. It is define as the set of all optimization problems $O$ from $NPO$ that haven an $r$-approximation algorithm with $r\ge1$ that runs in polynomial time.

We are almost through. We would like to copy the successful ideas of reductions and completness from complexity theory. The observation is that many NP-hard decision variants of optimization problems are reducible to each other while their optimization variants have different properties regarding their approximability. This is due to the polynomialtime-Krap-reduction used in NP-completness reductions, which does not preserve the objective function. And even if the objective functions is preserved the polynomialtime-Krap-reduction may change the quality of the solution.

Finally we can define what we mean by $\mathcal{C}$-hard and $\mathcal{C}$-complete for optimization problems:

Let $O$ be an optimization problems from $NPO$ and $\mathcal{C}$ a class of optimization problems from $NPO$ then $O$ is called $\mathcal{C}$-hard with respect to $\le_{AP}$ if for all $O'\in\mathcal{C}$ $O'\le_{AP} O$ holds.

One way of doing this is to have two new classes NPO and PO that contain optimizations problems and they mimic of course the classes NP and P for decision problems. New reductions are necessary as well. Then we can recreate a version NP-hardness for optimization problems very much the same as for decision problems. But first we have to agree what an optimization-problem is.

Definition: Let $O=(X,L,f,opt)$ be an optimization-problem. $X$ is the set of inputs or instances suitable encoded as strings. $L$ is a function that maps each instance $x\in X$ onto a set of strings, the feasible solutions of instance $x$. It is a set because there are many solutions to an optimization-problem. Thus we haven an objective function $f$ that tells us for every pair $(x, L(x))$ of instance and solution set its cost or value. $opt$ tells us wheter we are maximizing or minimizing.

This allows us to define what an optimal solution is: Let $y_{opt}\in L(x)$ be the optimal solution of an instance $x\in X$ of an optimization-problem $O=(X,L,f,opt)$ with $$f(x,y_{opt})=opt\{f(x,y')\mid y'\in L(x)\}.$$ The optimal solution is often denoted by $y^*$.

Now we can define the class NPO: Let $NPO$ be the set of all optimization-problems $O=(X,L,f,opt)$ with:

  1. We can verify efficiently if $x$ is actually a valid instance of our optimization problem
  2. The size of the feasible solutions is bounded polynomially in the size of the inputs, And we can verify efficiently if $y\in L(x)$ is a fesible solution of the instance $x$.
  3. The value of a solution $y\in L(x)$ can be determined efficiently.

Now we are able to define what we want to call an approximation-algorithm: An approximation-algorithm of an optimization-problem $O=(X,L,f,opt)$ is an algorithm that computes a feasible solution $y\in L(x)$ for an instance $x\in X$.

Now we have to types of errors: The absolute error of a feasible solution $y\in L(x)$ of an instance $x\in X$ of the optimization-problem $O=(X,L,f,opt)$ is $|f(x,y)-f(x,y^*)|$.

We call the absolute error of an approximation-algorithm $A$ for the optimization-problem $O$ bounded by $k$ if the algorithm $A$ computes for every instance $x\in X$ a feasible solution with an absolute error bounded by $k$.

This example is an exception, small absolute errors are rare, thus we define the relative error $\epsilon_A(x)$ of the approximation-algorithm $A$ on instance $x$ of the optimization-problem $O=(X,L,f,opt)$ with $f(x,y)>0$ for all $x\in X$ and $y\in L(x)$ to be

where $A(x)=y\in L(x)$ is the feasible solution computed by the approximation-algorithm $A$.

We can now define approximation-algorithm $A$ for the optimization-problem $O=(X,L,f,opt)$ to be a $\delta$-approximation-algorithm for $O$ if the relative error $\epsilon_A(x)$ is bounded by $\delta\ge 0$ for every instance $x\in X$, thus $$\epsilon_A(x)\le \delta\qquad \forall x\in X.$$

The choice of $\max\{f(x,A(x)),f(x,y^*)\}$ in the denominator of the definition of the relative error was selected to make the definition symmetric for maximizing and minimizing. The value of the relative error $\epsilon_A(x)\in[0,1]$. In case of a maximizing problem the value of the solution is never lessen than $(1-\epsilon_A(x))\cdot f(x,y^*)$ and never larger than $1/(1-\epsilon_A(x))\cdot f(x,y^*)$ for a minimizing problem.

Now we can call an optimization-problem $\delta$-approximable if there is a $\delta$-approximation-algorithm $A$ for $O$ that runs in polynomial time.

We do not want to look at the error for every instance $x$, we look only at the worst case. Thus we define $\epsilon_A(n)$, the maximal relativ error of the approximation-algorithm $A$ for the optimization-problem $O$ to be $$\epsilon_A(n)=\sup\{\epsilon_A(x)\mid |x|\le n\}.$$

Example: A maximal matching in a graph can be transformed in to a minimal node cover $C$ by adding all incident nodes from the matching to the vertex cover. Thus $1/2\cdot |C|$ edges are covered. As each vertex cover including the optimal one must have one of the nodes of each covered edge, otherwise it could be improved, we have $1/2\cdot |C|\cdot f(x,y^*)$. It follows that $$\frac{|C|-f(x,y^*)}{|C|}\le\frac{1}{2}$$ Thus the greedy algorithm for a maximal matching is a $1/2$-approximatio-algorithm for $\mathsf{Minimal-VertexCover}$. Hence $\mathsf{Minimal-VertexCover}$ is $1/2$-approximable.

Let $O=(X,L,f,opt)$ be an optimization-problem with $f(x, y)>0$ for all $x\in X$ and $y\in L(x)$ and $A$ an approximation-algorithm for $O$. The approximation-ratio $r_A(x)$ of feasible solution $A(x)=y\in L(x)$ of the instance $x\in X$ is $$r_A(x)=\begin{cases}1&f(x,A(x))=f(x,y^*)\\\max\left\{ \frac{f(x,A(x))}{f(x, y^*)},\frac{f(x, y^*)}{f(x, A(x))}\right\}&f(x,A(x))\ne f(x,y^*)\end{cases}$$

As before we call an approximation-algorithm $A$ an $r$-approximation-algorithm for the optimization-problem $O$ if the approximation-ratio $r_A(x)$ is bounded by $r\ge1$ for every input $x\in X$. $$r_A(x)\le r$$ And yet again if we have an $r$-approximation-algorithm $A$ for the optimization-problem $O$ then $O$ is called $r$-approximable. Again we reduce ourselves to the worst case and define the maximal approximation-ratio $r_A(n)$ to be $$r_A(n)=\sup\{r_A(x)\mid |x|\le n\}.$$ Accordingly the approximation-ratio is larger than $1$ for suboptimal solutions. Thus better solutions have smaller ratios. For $\mathsf{Minimum-SetCover}$ we can now write that it is $(1\ln(n))$-approximable. And in case of $\mathsf{Minimum-VertexCover}$ we know from the previous example that it is $2$-approximable. Between relative error and approximation-ratio we have simple relations: $$r_A(x)=\frac{1}{1-\epsilon_A(x)}\qquad \epsilon_A(x)=1-\frac{1}{r_A(x)}.$$

For small deviations from the optimum $\epsilon<1/2$ and $r<2$ the relative error is advantageous over the approximation-ratio, that shows its strengths for large deviations $\epsilon\ge 1/2$ and $r\ge 2$.

The two versions of $\alpha$-approximable don’t overlap as one version has always $\alpha\le 1$ and the other $\alpha\ge 1$. The case $\alpha=1$ is not problematic as this is only reached by algorithms that produce an exact solution and consequentially need not be treated as approximation-algorithms.

Another class appears often APX. It is define as the set of all optimization-problems $O$ from $NPO$ that haven an $r$-approximation-algorithm with $r\ge1$ that runs in polynomial time.

We are almost through. We would like to copy the successful ideas of reductions and completness from complexity theory. The observation is that many NP-hard decision variants of optimization-problems are reducible to each other while their optimization variants have different properties regarding their approximability. This is due to the polynomialtime-Krap-reduction used in NP-completness reductions, which does not preserve the objective function. And even if the objective functions is preserved the polynomialtime-Krap-reduction may change the quality of the solution.

Finally we can define what we mean by $\mathcal{C}$-hard and $\mathcal{C}$-complete for optimization-problems:

Let $O$ be an optimization-problems from $NPO$ and $\mathcal{C}$ a class of optimization-problems from $NPO$ then $O$ is called $\mathcal{C}$-hard with respect to $\le_{AP}$ if for all $O'\in\mathcal{C}$ $O'\le_{AP} O$ holds.

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