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David Richerby
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sort an Complexity of sorting a 1-sorted array in O(nlogk) where k==1 complexity

Supposing we have a KA $k$-sorted array, is one in which every element is at most distance $k$ from its position when the array is sorted. The complexity of sorting such array is in O(n*logk)$O(n\log k)$. But if k equals 1$k=1$, logk would be 0then $\log k=0$ so what happens? What is athe complexity of sorting an array where each element is at most one place away from its sorted position?

sort an array in O(nlogk) where k==1 complexity

Supposing we have a K-sorted array, the complexity of sorting such array is in O(n*logk). But if k equals 1, logk would be 0? What is a complexity of sorting an array where each element is at most one place away from its sorted position?

Complexity of sorting a 1-sorted array

A $k$-sorted array is one in which every element is at most distance $k$ from its position when the array is sorted. The complexity of sorting such array is $O(n\log k)$. But if $k=1$, then $\log k=0$ so what happens? What is the complexity of sorting an array where each element is at most one place away from its sorted position?

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sort an array in O(nlogk) where k==1 complexity

Supposing we have a K-sorted array, the complexity of sorting such array is in O(n*logk). But if k equals 1, logk would be 0? What is a complexity of sorting an array where each element is at most one place away from its sorted position?