There is hidden linear time to perform merge part of sorting algorithm.
Linear is less than loglinear, so it was not visible. $\log1=0$, but it means that you will not e.g. heapify, just merge in $O(n)$ (heap structure in case of 1-sorted array degrades to swapping consecutive elements to perform sort).
Also all other complexities hide constant factors
Inserting element to empty heap (which might be used in such sorting) costs $O(1)$, sowhile putting element to min-heap containing $k$ elements is $O(\log k)$, which is in fact $O(\log k + c)$ drops constant part, but whenso the first looks like it becomescould be substituted with $k=1$ to have cost 0, you should reveal hidden part and say it is $O(1)$but the second reveals constant factor in asymptotic notation.