In that example the root is A and the tree that minimizes the cost of edges is
$A,C,E,D$ with cost $-4$.
In other words I want to find a tree with minimum value, the number of nodes doesn't matter at all.
Any help with related problems? I can't find any material or papers...
Trying to code in AMPL:
param n >= 1, integer; # number of vertices
set V := 0..n;
set E within {V,V};
param w{E}; # edge weights
#Variável que determina se a aresta pertence a árvore
var x{V,V} binary;
#Variável que determina se existe um caminho de v pra r
var y{V} binary;
minimize maed :
sum{(u,v) in E} x[u,v] * w[u,v];
subject to root : y[0] = 1;
subject to UreachR {(u,v) in E} : y[u] >= x[u,v];
subject to VreachR {(u,v) in E} : y[v] >= x[u,v];
subject to rest3 {u in V} : y[u] <= sum{v in V} x[u,v];
subject to rest4 {(u,v) in E} : y[u] >= x[u,v];
Now i don't know how to set a root.
The code above is returning this:
Problem: maed
Rows: 35
Columns: 42 (42 integer, 42 binary)
Non-zeros: 105
Objective: maed = -12 (MINimum)
No. Row name Activity Lower bound Upper bound
------ ------------ ------------- ------------- -------------
1 maed -12
2 root 1 1 =
3 UreachR[0,2] 1 -0
4 UreachR[0,3] 1 -0
5 UreachR[1,0] 0 -0
6 UreachR[2,1] 1 -0
7 UreachR[2,4] 0 -0
8 UreachR[3,2] 1 -0
9 UreachR[3,4] 0 -0
10 UreachR[4,3] 0 -0
11 UreachR[4,1] 1 -0
12 VreachR[0,2] 1 -0
13 VreachR[0,3] 1 -0
14 VreachR[1,0] 1 -0
15 VreachR[2,1] 0 -0
16 VreachR[2,4] 0 -0
17 VreachR[3,2] 1 -0
18 VreachR[3,4] 0 -0
19 VreachR[4,3] 0 -0
20 VreachR[4,1] 0 -0
21 rest3[0] 0 -0
22 rest3[1] 0 -0
23 rest3[2] 0 -0
24 rest3[3] 0 -0
25 rest3[4] 0 -0
26 rest3[5] 0 -0
27 rest4[0,2] 1 -0
28 rest4[0,3] 1 -0
29 rest4[1,0] 0 -0
30 rest4[2,1] 1 -0
31 rest4[2,4] 0 -0
32 rest4[3,2] 1 -0
33 rest4[3,4] 0 -0
34 rest4[4,3] 0 -0
35 rest4[4,1] 1 -0
No. Column name Activity Lower bound Upper bound
------ ------------ ------------- ------------- -------------
1 x[0,2] * 0 0 1
2 x[0,3] * 0 0 1
3 x[1,0] * 0 0 1
4 x[2,1] * 0 0 1
5 x[2,4] * 1 0 1
6 x[3,2] * 0 0 1
7 x[3,4] * 1 0 1
8 x[4,3] * 1 0 1
9 x[4,1] * 0 0 1
10 x[0,0] * 1 0 1
11 x[0,1] * 0 0 1
12 x[0,4] * 0 0 1
13 x[0,5] * 0 0 1
14 x[1,1] * 0 0 1
15 x[1,2] * 0 0 1
16 x[1,3] * 0 0 1
17 x[1,4] * 0 0 1
18 x[1,5] * 0 0 1
19 x[2,0] * 0 0 1
20 x[2,2] * 0 0 1
21 x[2,3] * 0 0 1
22 x[2,5] * 0 0 1
23 x[3,0] * 0 0 1
24 x[3,1] * 0 0 1
25 x[3,3] * 0 0 1
26 x[3,5] * 0 0 1
27 x[4,0] * 0 0 1
28 x[4,2] * 0 0 1
29 x[4,4] * 0 0 1
30 x[4,5] * 0 0 1
31 x[5,0] * 0 0 1
32 x[5,1] * 0 0 1
33 x[5,2] * 0 0 1
34 x[5,3] * 0 0 1
35 x[5,4] * 0 0 1
36 x[5,5] * 0 0 1
37 y[0] * 1 0 1
38 y[1] * 0 0 1
39 y[2] * 1 0 1
40 y[3] * 1 0 1
41 y[4] * 1 0 1
42 y[5] * 0 0 1
Integer feasibility conditions:
KKT.PE: max.abs.err = 0.00e+00 on row 0
max.rel.err = 0.00e+00 on row 0
High quality
KKT.PB: max.abs.err = 0.00e+00 on row 0
max.rel.err = 0.00e+00 on row 0
High quality