I would have guessed that $T(n)$ is in $\Theta(n \log n)$, so below is an attempt to lower bound the recurrence. Corrections (major as well as minor) and comments are very welcome.
For simplicity, I assume $ n = 20k + 1 $, as in fade2black's answer, with $ k = \frac{n-1}{20} $.
$$ T(n) \geq \sum^{k-1}_{i=0}\log(n-20i) \geq \sum^{k/2}_{i=0}\log(n-20i) = $$
$$ \log(n) + \log(n - 20) + \log(n - 40) + ... + \log(n - 20(k/2)) $$
$$ n - 20(k/2) = n - 20(\frac{n-1}{20})/2 = n - \frac{n-1}{2} \geq n/2 $$
$$ \sum^{k/2}_{i=0}\log(n-20i) \geq \frac{k}{2} \times \log(n/2) \geq \frac{n-1}{40} \times \log(n/2) \in \Theta(n \log n) $$$$ \sum^{k/2}_{i=0}\log(n-20i) \geq \frac{k}{2} \times \log(n/2) \geq \frac{n-1}{40} \times \log(n/2) \in \Omega(n \log n) $$
So, it seems like the $ n \log n $ bound is tight after all.