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I am reading fromin my book that this NFA machine accept thisthe string 10100. If we follow the execution, we will find our self in branch with the state final q0.

The only answer for me is that when we are in state q0 after 1010 and 0 is coming we can't move any more so this branch will die even it is in the final state.

Is i am Am I right. help me please.?

enter image description here

I am reading from my book that this NFA machine accept this string 10100. If we follow the execution, will find our self in branch with the state final q0.

The only answer for me is that when we are in state q0 after 1010 and 0 is coming we can't move any more so this branch will die even it is in the final state.

Is i am right. help me please.

enter image description here

I am reading in my book that this NFA machine accept the string 10100. If we follow the execution, we will find our self in branch with the state final q0.

The only answer for me is that when we are in state q0 after 1010 and 0 is coming we can't move any more so this branch will die even it is in the final state. Am I right?

enter image description here

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Why this Nondeterministic Finite accept this string?

I am reading from my book that this NFA machine accept this string 10100. If we follow the execution, will find our self in branch with the state final q0.

The only answer for me is that when we are in state q0 after 1010 and 0 is coming we can't move any more so this branch will die even it is in the final state.

Is i am right. help me please.

enter image description here