Another method, not covered by the answers above, is finite automaton transformation. As a simple example, let us show that the regular languages are closed under the shuffle operation, defined as follows:
L_1 \mathop{S} L_2 = \{ x_1y_1 \ldots x_n y_n \in \Sigma^* : x_1 \ldots x_n \in L_1, y_1 \ldots y_n \in L_2 \}
You can show closure under shuffle using closure properties, but you can also show it directly using DFAs. Suppose that $A_i = \langle \Sigma, Q_i, F_i, \delta_i, q_{0i} \rangle$ is a DFA that accepts $L_i$ (for $i=1,2$). We construct a new DFA $\langle \Sigma, Q, F, \delta, q_0 \rangle$ as follows:
- The set of states is $Q_1 \times Q_2 \times \{1,2\}$, where the third component remembers whether the next symbol is an $x_i$ (when 1) or a $y_i$ (when 2).
- The initial state is $q_0 = \langle q_{01}, q_{02}, 1 \rangle$.
- The accepting states are $F = F_1 \times F_2 \times \{1\}$.
- The transition function is defined by $\delta(\langle q_1, q_2, 1 \rangle, \sigma) = \langle \delta_1(q_1,\sigma), q_2, 2 \rangle$ and $\delta(\langle q_1, q_2, 2 \rangle, \sigma) = \langle q_1, \delta_2(q_2,\sigma), 1 \rangle$.
A more sophisticated version of this method involves guessing. As an example, let us show that regular languages are closed under reversal, that is,
$$ L^R = \{ w^R : w \in \Sigma^* \}. $$
(Here $(w_1\ldots w_n)^R = w_n \ldots w_1$.) This is one of the standard closure operations, and closure under reversal easily follows from manipulation of regular expressions (which may be regarded as the counterpart of finite automaton transformation to regular expressions) – just reverse the regular expression. But you can also prove closure using NFAs. Suppose that $L$ is accepted by a DFA $\langle \Sigma, Q, F, \delta, q_0 \rangle$. We construct an NFA $\langle \Sigma, Q', F', \delta', q'_0 \rangle$, where
- The set of states is $Q' = Q \cup \{q'_0\}$.
- The initial state is $q'_0$.
- The unique accepting state is $q_0$.
- The transition function is defined as follows: $\delta'(q'_0,\epsilon) = F$, and for any state $q \in Q$ and $\sigma \in \Sigma$, $\delta(q', \sigma) = \{ q : \delta(q,\sigma) = q' \}$.
(We can get rid of $q'_0$ if we allow multiple initial states.) The guessing component here is the final state of the word after reversal.
Guessing often involves also verifying. One simple example is closure under rotation:
$$ R(L) = \{ yx \in \Sigma^* : xy \in L \}. $$
Suppose that $L$ is accepted by the DFA $\langle \Sigma, Q, F, \delta, q_0 \rangle$. We construct an NFA $\langle \Sigma, Q', F', \delta', q'_0 \rangle$, which operates as follows. The NFA first guesses $q=\delta(q_0,x)$. It then verifies that $\delta(q,y) \in F$ and that $\delta(q_0,x) = q$, moving from $y$ to $x$ non-deterministically. This can be formalized as follows:
- The states are $Q' = \{q'_0\} \cup Q \times Q \times \{1,2\}$. Apart from the initial state $q'_0$, the states are $\langle q,q_{curr}, s \rangle$, where $q$ is the state that we guessed, $q_{curr}$ is the current state, and $s$ specifies whether we are at the $y$ part of the input (when 1) or at the $x$ part of the input (when 2).
- The final states are $F' = \{\langle q,q,2 \rangle : q \in Q\}$: we accept when $\delta(q_0,x)=q$.
- The transitions $\delta'(q'_0,\epsilon) = \{\langle q,q,1 \rangle : q \in Q\}$ implement guessing $q$.
- The transitions $\delta'(\langle q,q_{curr},s \rangle, \sigma) = \langle q,\delta(q_{curr},\sigma),s \rangle$ (for every $q,q_{curr} \in Q$ and $s \in \{1,2\}$) simulate the original DFA.
- The transitions $\delta'(\langle q,q_f,1 \rangle, \epsilon) = \langle q,q_0,2 \rangle$, for every $q \in Q$ and $q_f \in F$, implement moving from the $y$ part to the $x$ part. This is only allowed if we've reached a final state on the $y$ part.
Another variant of the technique incorporates bounded counters. As an example, let us consider change edit distance closure:
$$ E_k(L) = \{ x \in \Sigma^* : \text{ there exists $y \in L$ whose edit distance from $x$ is at most $k$} \}. $$
Given a DFA $\langle \Sigma, Q, F, \delta, q_0 \rangle$ for $L$, e construct an NFA $\langle \Sigma, Q', F', \delta', q'_0 \rangle$ for $E_k(L)$ as follows:
- The set of states is $Q' = Q \times \{0,\ldots,k\}$, where the second item counts the number of changes done so far.
- The initial state is $q'_0 = \langle q_0,0 \rangle$.
- The accepting states are $F' = F \times \{0,\ldots,k\}$.
- For every $q,\sigma,i$ we have transitions $\langle \delta(q,\sigma), i \rangle \in \delta'(\langle q,i \rangle, \sigma)$.
- Insertions are handled by transitions $\langle q,i+1 \rangle \in \delta'(\langle q,i \rangle, \sigma)$ for all $q,\sigma,i$ such that $i < k$.
- Deletions are handled by transitions $\langle \delta(q,\sigma), i+1 \rangle \in \delta'(\langle q,i \rangle, \epsilon)$ for all $q,\sigma,i$ such that $i < k$.
- Substitutions are similarly handles by transitions $\langle \delta(q,\sigma), i+1 \rangle \in \delta'(\langle q,i \rangle, \tau)$ for all $q,\sigma,\tau,i$ such that $i < k$.