I have to find a root of polynomial of degree $n\ge2$. I need to write code to calculate the root for different values of $n$. Only 1 real positive solution is needed.
I can use general Newton's method for all degrees, or only for 5th+, and for 2,3 and 4 I can use algebraic formulas that solve quadratic, cubic and quartic equations. Since algebraic formulas need to use sqrt, acos and similar functions - does it make sense at all to use algebraic formulas - or is it better to use Newton's method for all degrees? I guess the latter will actually be faster?
This is my equation:
$$\frac{1}{(b_1x + 1)} + \frac{1}{(b_2x + 1)} + ... + \frac{1}{(b_nx + 1)} -k = 0$$
and constraints:
$$1 \leq k<n \\ b_n>0 $$
e.g. for $n=3$:
$$b_1 b_2 b_3 (-k)x^3 +\left(b_1 b_2+b_3 b_2+b_1 b_3- b_1 b_2 k-b_3 b_2 k-b_1 b_3 k\right)x^2 + \left(2 b_1+2 b_2+2 b_3-b_1 k-b_2 k-b_3 k\right)x + 3-k =0$$
which can be written as