I have been trying to understand the solution to the following problem:
"Show that if $L_2$ and $L_3$ are Turing recognisable, then so is $L_2L_3 = \{w_1w_2 : w_1 \in L_2,w_2\in L_3\}$:
which essentially says to use non-determinism to guess a partition $w$ (say $w=xy$) and run the Turing machines $L_1$ and $L_2$ on $x$ and $y$ respectively.
I'm trying to get my head around what this non-deterministic guess "looks like", i.e. what we would say if we were to describe this implementation in more detail.
My thought is if the input string is of length $n$, then the second string $y$ could start at any of the $n$ positions, or be empty, so there are $n+1$ possible partitions. Does this mean we ultimately need to split into $2(n + 1)$ parallel/non-deterministic clones? And how do we manage this splitting in terms of transitions? We obviously don't know the length of the input ahead of time, so we can't immediately have $2(n+1)$ transitions from the start state? Would we scan the input string left to right, spawning two additional parallel threads for each character encountered, or something?
I see this "non-deterministically guess" phrase a lot in example solutions, but I feel like I'm missing a bit of intuition as to why this actually works. Any thoughts would be much appreciated.