I'm looking for the name of the problem stated below or, if available, even the algorithm to solve it. This is a hypothetical idea of mine, I don't actually have the necessary data to implement it. But I like the algorithm challenge behind it and would like to know more about it. I just can't find the name of the problem to look for further information on it.
I have the idea to build a search for computer builds that are dynamically generated from components. So the database knows that there are CPUs, Motherboards, RAMs etc and how these components can work together (e.g. an Intel 10th gen cpu can only work with specific motherboards). Based on that it can generate a complete build, it combines a CPU with a fitting motherboard, adds some compatible RAM, and a PSU with enough power to run the whole thing, tadaa a computer build. There would be very many such builds since you can combine the same cpu with many other motherboards, RAMs and PSUs. To limit the results, the user should be able to search based on some parameters and get complete computer builds suggested. For example if he searches for a computer that has a specific Motherboard, then the result only contains Builds with that motherboard and compatible CPUs/RAMs. Now he can further limit the total power consumption of the build to say 300 W and then the result has to contain all combinations of the given Motherboard with CPUs/RAMs that do not use more than the given amount of power. e.g. RAM r may not be possible with CPU c but with CPU d, because d uses less power.
Brute force searching this would require to calculate all the possible builds which can be very many. I can improve on this a bit by using backtracking. I would like to have the name of this problem class to search for other solutions on the internet. Thank you.
limit the total power consumption
the "single figure of merit" of gates used to be energy: power×delay time. Energy benchmarks for IT systems popped up in the late noughties.) $\endgroup$