For a string $w$, $M_w$ denotes the Turing machine whose encoding is $w$.
I want to reduce the language $L=\{w \mid |T(M_w)| \geq 42\}$ to $H_0 = \{w \mid M_w \text{ halts on } \epsilon\}$, but I can't find a way to define an algorithm that halts only if $w \in L$. Either way:
- if $w \in L$ I would have to find at least 42 words that are in $T(M_w)$, which might be undecidable for certain languages.
- if $w \notin L$ then $M_w$ would accept only 41 or less words. Then we do know, that the language $T(M_w)$ is regular, but still we can't test if the language is regular or not.
Simply trying random words until we have at least 42 doesn't work as for some words the TM will not halt.
Is there any idea I could try? Or in other words: how would one prove $L \leq H_0 $?