I am studying over my notes, and there is something I don't understand about $e_m$. We represent the floating point numbers as $1.d_1d_2...d_t \times \beta^e$. Now, my professor defines $\epsilon_m$ as the smallest $x$ such that $fl(1+x) > 1$. But then she writes
$$\epsilon_m = \beta^{1-t} \hspace{1cm} \text{ (for "chopping")}$$ and
$$e_m = \dfrac 12 \beta^{1-t} \hspace{1cm} \text{ (for rounding)}$$ However, I think these should be $\beta^{-t}$ and $\dfrac 12 \beta^{-t}$, respectively.
The number $1$, and the next number right after, are
$$1.00 \cdots 00 \times \beta^0$$ and $$1.00 \cdots 01 \times \beta^0$$ where the $1$ is in the $t^{th}$ decimal place. Therefore their difference is $\beta^{-t}$ so if $x = \beta^{-t}$, then $1+x$ is itself a floating point number, so $fl(1+x) = 1+x>1$.
Am I wrong, or are the notes wrong?
Thank you very much.