When using BFS search on an unweighted graph to find the single-source shortest paths, no relaxation step is required because a breadth-first search guarantees that when we first make it to a node, we have found the shortest path to it.
However, my understanding is that Dijkstra's algorithm has no such guarantee because the neighbours of each node are checked in no specific order. Therefore, we need a relaxation step to update the shortest path of each node if we later find a shorter path.
Instead of choosing a random neighbour, why not always follow the neighbour with the shortest path? I think that would guarantee we have always found the shortest path and no relaxation step is required. I implemented this in Python and it seems to work. Am I missing something?
from heapq import heappop, heappush
def shortest_path_lengths(graph, source):
dist = {}
q = [(0, source)]
while q:
source_to_v1_dist, v1 = heappop(q)
if v1 in dist:
dist[v1] = source_to_v1_dist
for v2, v1_to_v2_dist in graph[v1].items():
if v2 not in dist: # check it hasn't been visited already
heappush(q, (source_to_v1_dist + v1_to_v2_dist, v2))
return dist
graph = {
'a': {'b': 3, 'c': 5},
'b': {'c': 1},
'c': {'d': 4},
'd': {},
print(shortest_path_lengths(graph, 'a'))