
I have a directed graph that has positive weights (but there are reverse arcs) and I am trying to find the shortest path between a given source, s and a given sink, t but the path should also contain two given arcs in a sequence. Say we are given arcs a1, a2, we want to find a simple shortest path that goes from s to tail of a1 and from head of a1 to tail of a2 and then from head of a2 to the sink t. I was wondering if there is any elegant algorithm or even a mixed integer programming approach to solve this problem.

I am currently planning to modify Dijkstras algorithm to forbid certain nodes that have been previously added to the path.

Edit: I want the whole path from $s$ to $t$ to be simple.


2 Answers 2


Let arc $a1$ be $(u_1, v_1)$ and $a2$ be $(u_2, v_2)$. As you mentioned in your question, you want to find a simple shortest path that:

  1. Goes from source $s$ to $u_1$
  2. From $v_1$ to $u_2$
  3. From $v_2$ to the sink $t$.

As you DAG has only positive weights, I think you should find the shortest paths for all three cases (using Dijkstra or any other algorithm) and join them together to get the shortest path from $s$ to $t$ satisfying the given constraints.

EDIT: As the question is for Simple Path, I will refer you to this: http://math.mit.edu/~goemans/18438S12/lec22.pdf.

I am quoting a few important points here:

  1. We first note that the arc-disjoint path problem, and the vertex-disjoint path problem in a directed graph are equivalent - i.e. we can give a polynomial-time reduction in either direction.

  2. Undirected Edge Disjoint Paths. In the case of fixed k (i.e. there are k source-sink pairs), there is a polynomial-time algorithm to decide if there are edge-disjoint paths connecting each $s_i$,$t_i$ pair. This result follows from the Graph Minor Project of Robertson and Seymour (1995), and is very involved. Yet for super-constant k, the undirected edge-disjoint paths problem is NP-complete. 22-1

  3. Directed Arc Disjoint Paths. Even for $k = 2$ it is NP-complete to determine if there are arc-disjoint paths P1, P2 connecting s1, t1 and s2, t2. In fact, we can even choose s1 = t2 and s2 = t1 and this problem still remains NP-complete.

  • 1
    $\begingroup$ I tried this but there are reverse arcs and sometimes the path from $v_1$ to $u_2$ can visit the already visited vertex again. $\endgroup$
    – ceej10
    Apr 22, 2020 at 10:19
  • $\begingroup$ Why do you think we shouldn't allow revisiting a vertex? You didn't mention that in your original question. I know that in a shortest path a vertex is never repeated, but that is because we don't have the required condition of using a given arc. $\endgroup$
    – prime_hit
    Apr 22, 2020 at 10:23
  • $\begingroup$ Sorry should have been more clear. I wanted the whole path from $s$ to $t$ to be simple . $\endgroup$
    – ceej10
    Apr 22, 2020 at 10:25
  • $\begingroup$ @prime_hit: Actually he did mention that in the question. That's what a simple path is. $\endgroup$ Apr 22, 2020 at 10:26
  • $\begingroup$ @BlueRaja-DannyPflughoeft True, my bad. I will update my answer. $\endgroup$
    – prime_hit
    Apr 22, 2020 at 10:28

If you subdivide your two must-include edges creating a node right in the middle of the edge, you have an instance of requiring a simple path with two must-include nodes. The general problem (requiring $k$ must-include nodes) is studied here:


(2009 paper, H. Vardhan et al, 9 authors in total)


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