Let $X = \{1,2,\dots n\}$, and $Y_i= \{T \in \mathcal{P}(X): |T| \le i\}$. I am interested in "avoidance sets" $A \subset Y_n$. We say a subset $S \subset X$ is valid with respect to an avoidance set $A$ if $T \not \subseteq S$ for all $T \in A$.
We let $f(A)$ denote the set of $S\subset X$ that are valid with $A$. It may be helpful to note that $f(A' \cup A'') = f(A')\cap f(A'')$.
Given a list of avoidance sets $A_1,A_2,\dots A_k \in Y_2$, I want to return an avoidance set $A' \in Y_2$ such $$\bigcup_{1 \le i \le k} f(A_i) \subseteq f(A')\tag{1}$$ and for any other $A'' \in Y_2$ satisfying (1), we do not have $f(A'') \subsetneq f(A')$.
Can this be done in time linear to $\sum_{1\le i \le k} |A_i|$? (you may assume that all the sets $A_i$ are simplified, i.e. if $\{a\}\in A_i$ and $\{b\}\in A_i$ then $\{a,b\} \not \in A_i$)
The physical motivation behind my question is that I am trying to "roughly" keep track of events which must be avoided.
An element $x \in X$ corresponds to an "event" occurring in a probability space. A subset $S \subset X$ correspond to the intersection all the events $x_1,x_2 \dots x_k \in S$ occurring at once.
An avoidance set $A$ is supposed to express certain events which have probability zero of occurring. (so $S \subset X$ is not valid with $A$ if the event corresponding to $S$ has zero probability) To keep the cost of space low, I have decided to concern myself with only working with avoidance sets in $Y_2$. (thus this is a heuristic representation)
Now, let's say I am keeping track of avoidance sets $A_i$ where $S$ is invalid with $A_i$ represents that $S$ has probability zero given event $i$ happens. Now, if I know at least one of the events $A_1,\dots A_k$ occurs, then I am interested in finding $A'$.