I have the following recurrence relation:
$$T(n,k) = T(n-1,k)+T(n-1,k+1)$$
With the following base cases (for some given constant $C$):
For all $x \leq C$ and for any $k$: $T(x,k)=1$
For all $y \geq C$ and for any $n$: $T(n,y)=1$
I want to get a formula for $T(n,0)$. I think that it can be seen that after $i$ iterations we get the following relation:
$T(n,0) = \sum_{j=0}^i {n\choose{j}}\cdot T(n-i,j)$
But I don't know if it helps and can't proceed much further than that.
My question is $-$ what are the right techniques for dealing with recurrence with 2 variables, and in particular with this recurrence (where the second variable is increasing)?