regarding the following post: Prove that $BPP^{BPP} = BPP$
Let $L\in BPP^{BPP}$, by definition $BPP^{BPP} =\bigcup_{O\in BPP}BPP^O $, therefore there exists a language $A\in BPP$ such that $L\in BPP^{A}$.
This means that there exists a $\mathsf{PTM} $ $M^{A}(x,r)$ such that $\mathbb{P}_{r}(M(x,r)\neq L(x))\leq \frac{1}{3}$, and $M^A$ runs in polinomial time.
In addition, since $A\in BPP_{[\frac{1}{3},\frac{2}{3}]} \subset BPP_{[2^{-n},1-2^{-n}]}$, there exists a $\mathsf{PTM} $ $M'(x,r)$ such that $\mathbb{P}_{r}(M'(x,r)\neq L(x))\leq 2^{-n}$, and $M'$ runs in polinomial time.
I defiened a $\mathsf{PTM}$ $N$, that on input $x$ does the following:
Simulate $M^A$ on $x$ and every time we need to do an orcale quarey $\alpha_i$, we would simulate $M'$ on $\alpha_i$ and the answer to the query would be the answer of $M'$.
I understand why $N$ runs in polynomial time, but I was stuck in the probabilistic analysis.
This is what I have so far:
If $x\in L$ then $N$ answer correctly iff $M^A$ answer correctly and $M'$ answer correctly about every query, therefore I got:
$\mathbb{P}_{r}(N(x,r)= 1)= \mathbb{P}_{r}(M(x,r)= 1)\mathbb{P}_{r}(\forall i, M'(\alpha_i,r)$is correct$)\geq \frac{2}{3} \prod_{i}(1-\frac{1}{2^{|\alpha_i|}}) $
How can I prove from here that $\mathbb{P}_{r}(N(x,r)= 1) \geq \frac{2}{3}$?
Would appreciate your help:)