The proof of the undecidability of $A_{TM}$ in Michael Sipser's textbook*
contains the definition of a Turing Machine, which accepts the encoding of a TM, if this TM doesn't accept its own encoding, and rejects it, if it does. If this TM is run on its own encoding, there is problem: it should accept if it doesn't accept and vice versa.
My problem with this proof is that it strongly resembles Russel's paradox. This paradox arises if we define a set, which contains all sets that are not members of themselves. If we ask whether this set contains itself, there is problem: it should contain itself if it doesn't contain itself and vice versa.
Russels's paradox has been eliminated from axiomatic set theory: in ZFC, it follows from the axioms that such a property doesn't define a valid set. Interestingly enough, in the theory of computation, a similar property defines a valid TM.
That's why I don't like the proof in Sipser's book. I'd like to emphasize that I know that this proof is perfectly valid, but I'd like to know if there is another proof which follows a different chain of thought, and doesn't define such a TM.
Sipser, M.: Introduction to the Theory of Computation (2nd ed.), 2006, page 179. On this page, Sipser uses the term halting problem for the language $A_{TM}$. The proper name for this language is acceptance problem, see the footnote on page 188.