New to the board, if this is the wrong section I apologize and I will delete it. Will be helpful to be provided correct exchange to guide me through this process of learning.
If you have a given an array such as A[1...n]
of numeric values (can be positive, zero, and negative) how may you determine the subarray A[i...j] (1≤ i ≤ j ≤ n)
where the sum of elements is maximum overall (subvectors). Regarding the brute force algorithm below, how do you go about analyzing its best case, worst case, and average-case time complexity in terms of a polynomial of n and the asymptotic notation of ɵ. How would you even show steps? Without building out the algorithm?
Thanks in advance.
n = A.length
max-sum = -∞
for l = 1 to n
sum = 0
for h = l to n
sum = sum + A[h]
if sum > max-sum
max-sum = sum
low = l
high = h
return (low, high) # No, return of MAX-HIGH
Note: New to the forum, not sure if this is the correct exchange. But I am referring to and referencing problems from