Suppose we want to find the value of $x$ that minimizes $$ f(x)=\frac{1}{2}\|A x-b\|_{2}^{2} . $$ Specialized linear algebra algorithms can solve this problem efficiently; however, we can also explore how to solve it using gradient-based optimization as a simple example of how these techniques work. First, we need to obtain the gradient: $$ \nabla_{x} f(x)=A^{\top}(A x-b)=A^{\top} A x-A^{\top} b . $$ We can then follow this gradient downhill, taking small steps.
\begin{array}{} \hline \text{Algorithm $4.1$ An algorithm to minimize} f(x)=\frac{1}{2}\|A x-b\|_{2}^{2} \text{ with respect to $x$} \\ \text{using gradient descent, starting from an arbitrary value of $x$.} \\ \hline \text{Set the step size $(\epsilon)$ and tolerance $(\delta)$ to small, positive numbers. }\\ \text{while $\left\|A^{\top} A x-A^{\top} b\right\|_{2}>\delta$ do} \\ \quad x \leftarrow x-\epsilon\left(A^{\top} A x-A^{\top} b\right) \\ \text{end while} \end{array}
One can also solve this problem using Newton's method. In this case, because the true function is quadratic, the quadratic approximation employed by Newton's method is exact, and the algorithm converges to the global minimum in a single step.
I don't get this very last point. Indeed, we set the step size $(\epsilon)$ and tolerance $(\delta)$ to small, positive numbers and we don't even have something like an adaptative step size that would augment if we are far from the target. So would it truly converge to the global minimum in a single step? Don't we need to iterate quite a lot rather?
I am a dumb programmer and slow math learner, don't hesitate to explain it to me as if I was a teenager.