Alice is preparing decorations to decorate the classroom for Children's Day. She is using beads in the colors red (r), green (g), blue (b), and yellow (y) to create strings of beads. During the class meeting, it was established that two beads of the same color cannot be placed next to each other.
Help Alice design the strings of beads and write a function called "beads(lk)" where the result is a sorted list of words representing the strings that can be constructed using all available beads. The parameter "lk" is a four-element list of numbers that specify the number of red, green, blue, and yellow beads, respectively. The maximum total number of beads is n=10.
Here is my solution using permutation, but the complexity is high.
from itertools import permutations
def beads(lk):
colors = ['r', 'g', 'b', 'y']
all = []
for i in range(len(lk)):
for j in range(lk[i]):
all_possible_combinations = []
for perm in permutations(all):
valid = True
for i in range(len(perm) - 1):
if perm[i] == perm[i + 1]:
valid = False
if valid:
unique_combinations = sorted(set(all_possible_combinations))
return unique_combinations
I am looking for a better complexity algorithm, now is O(n!). Can you provide me with some ideas?
Thanks @Yves for your suggestion:
def beads(lk):
def recursive_beads(prev_color, remaining, current_string):
valid_strings = []
if sum(remaining) == 0:
return [current_string]
for color, count in enumerate(remaining):
if count > 0 and color != prev_color:
new_remaining = list(remaining)
new_remaining[color] -= 1
valid_strings.extend(recursive_beads(color, new_remaining, current_string + colors[color]))
return valid_strings
colors = ['r', 'g', 'b', 'y']
result = []
valid_strings = recursive_beads(4, lk, "")
return valid_strings