Description of the problem:
Alice and Bob are both given as input the same graph and vertex $x$ and $y$ respectively. In the graph there are no self-loops and the given vertex can be the same.
Prove that communication complexity between Alice and Bob for deciding whether $x$ and $y$ are neighbours is at least $log \chi (G)$.
Current Idea:
The idea I had was the following: represent the protocol for communication between Alice and Bob as a Communication Matrix and partition it with monochromatic rectangles. From there I want to use the theorem/fact: $D^{CC}(f) \geq log (part(f))$ where $part(f)$ is the least number of monochromatic rectangles in any partition.
I am not sure how this problem can be translated into a Communication Matrix. Would the inputs be vertices and then 1 would indicate presence of an edge and 0 otherwise?