I'm studying asympotic analysis and I encountered this problem:
Given a recurrence relation: $$T(n)= aT(n/b)+cn^a (n>0;a>=1;b>=1)$$
prove that
if $a>a^b$ then T(n)=$\mathfrak\theta(n^{log_b(a)})$
if $a=a^b$ then T(n)=$\mathfrak\theta(n^alog(n))$
if $a<a^b$ then T(n)=$\mathfrak\theta(n^a)$
This problem screams master theorem to me, but I can't seem to solve it. To be exact, I can't find the relation between $n^a$ and $n^{log_b(a)}$. I have also tried out substitution but it didn't work out.