It is relatively easy to construct an object in set/class theory which has properties of any of the following: dependent sum, dependent product, W-types.
E.g. Dependent sum of a family F is just the composition $(E^{-1}\ $o$\ F)$. (it depends slightly on definitions, but this is the idea)
Fix some family B. (let's say it is a class-function, or even just function) But how to obtain an object which will represent M(x:A)B(x)? (i.e. I am trying to implement coinductive types)
It was easy to implement inductive types, W(x:A)B(x) with a recursive definition of "stages" followed by set-theoretic union. But how to implement coinductive types M(x:A)B(x) ? How to mathematically define an object which will be a set-theoretic semantic of "M(x:A)B(x)"?
(related to this question : Definition of M-type in type theory )
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