
It is relatively easy to construct an object in set/class theory which has properties of any of the following: dependent sum, dependent product, W-types.

E.g. Dependent sum of a family F is just the composition $(E^{-1}\ $o$\ F)$. (it depends slightly on definitions, but this is the idea)

Fix some family B. (let's say it is a class-function, or even just function) But how to obtain an object which will represent M(x:A)B(x)? (i.e. I am trying to implement coinductive types)

It was easy to implement inductive types, W(x:A)B(x) with a recursive definition of "stages" followed by set-theoretic union. But how to implement coinductive types M(x:A)B(x) ? How to mathematically define an object which will be a set-theoretic semantic of "M(x:A)B(x)"?

(related to this question : Definition of M-type in type theory )

very related to https://math.stackexchange.com/questions/4919803/way-of-defining-families-of-proper-classes-in-class-theory

enter image description here

  • 1
    $\begingroup$ What do you mean by "object" and "represent"? If you are talking about underlying realizers (in some computational model), you could look at the proof that realizability models interpret $M$-types as final coalgebras for polynomial functors. I can't tell whether you'd like to see how $M$-types are constructed in set theory, or implemented as datastructures. $\endgroup$ Commented May 29 at 13:15
  • $\begingroup$ Would it suffice to answer the question with: the $W$-type for a family $B : A \to \mathsf{Type}$ consists of well-founded trees with $A$-labeled nodes and branching types~$B$, while the corresponding $M$-type consists of all such trees (not necessarily well-founded)? $\endgroup$ Commented May 29 at 13:21
  • $\begingroup$ @AndrejBauer I understand how it should look like, but defining it is a bit elusive. How to define a class of such structures as a term anywhere in ZFC/NBG/MK ? For me answer is anything "It is a class of .... . (R is infinite tree) :<-> (... forall p in R: ...) . " $\endgroup$
    – g_d
    Commented May 29 at 14:31
  • $\begingroup$ @AndrejBauer I have posted an implementation in Coq as an answer to this question. I think I understand that element of w type is just arbitrary collection of branches = functions to sigma type with at most countable domains, just want to double-check that understanding is correct. $\endgroup$
    – g_d
    Commented May 29 at 15:18

1 Answer 1


This is my attempt to define M-types in Coq.

Inductive sigma (A:Type) (F:A->Type) : Type :=
 sigma_intro : forall (a : A), (F a) -> (sigma A F)  

Require Import List.

(* countable collection of something *)
Inductive Cou (X:Type) : Type :=
  fin : (list X) -> Cou X
| inf : (nat -> X) -> Cou X.

Definition M (A:Type) (F:A->Type) : Type 
  := sigma Type (fun Q => sigma Q (fun _ => Cou (sigma A F))).

(* It may not be enough: requires equal beginnings *)

Set-theoretically it will be something like $$ MF := \mathcal{P}\{f:D \to\Sigma F| (D\in\omega)\lor(D=\omega)\} $$ $$ = \mathcal{P}\{f|\exists D: (f:D \to \Sigma F) \land ( (D\in\omega)\lor(D=\omega))\} $$

(D is a variable bound by notation for class-collection)

Or should the values of the initial segments of the branches with equal initial labels coincide? Then it is necessary to require coinciding initial labels to have coinciding initial values $$ MF := \{Q\in\mathcal{P}\{f:D \to\Sigma F| (D\in\omega)\lor(D=\omega)\} | \forall f,g\in Q: \forall \mbox{i initial segment of }\omega: ((pr_1 \circ f)\restriction i)=((pr_1 \circ g) \restriction i) \longrightarrow f \restriction i = g \restriction i\} $$


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