Let $C_i$ be the execution time for task i, $T_i$ be the task period and utilization rate $U = \frac{C_i}{T_i}$
Then $U$ must be less or equal to $1$ for the task to be schedulable
Let $\hat T$ be the lcm of task $T_1,...T_n$ i.e. $\hat T = \prod_i > T_i$. Define $\hat L_i = \hat T/T_i$ the number of times the task is run. Then the total number of execution is $\sum_i C_i/\hat L_i = \sum_i \frac{C_i \hat T} {T_i}$. Suppose utilization rate $U >1$, then $\sum_i \frac{C_i \hat T} {T_i} > \hat T$ which is impossible. End of proof.
I am confused about several things in the proof.
First, what is the physical quantity representing the product or lcm of all the task periods $T_i$? It would make more sense if it was the sum of all the $T_i$ which represents the total task period.
Second, $\sum_i C_i/\hat L_i$ represents the total time spent on execution, I do not get how if this time is larger than $\hat T$, then the tasks would not be schedulable. This goes back to my misunderstanding of what $\hat T$ is.
Can anyone help?