Your question is fairly unclear and it seems you lack basic understanding in the topic of scale-free networks. Congratulations! You now feel like almost every other PhD student ever. ;)
From how I understand your question, you would like to have a probability distribution over graphs such that you obtain a scale-free graph with high probability from this distribution. There are numerous ways of achieving that, and one of the most popular ones is the Preferential attachment model noted by Yuval.
It seems to me, however, that furthermore, you want to "grasp the individual edge probabilities by hand". Like the Erdos-Renyi random graph model $G(n,p)$, you want to basically know the $p$ for an edge given two nodes $u,v$. This is actually very hard to do for the preferential attachment model! (Though there exist results that do that).
But I have good news for you: This is possible! There are in fact several scale-free network models that give you exact edge probabilities and yet generate a scale-free graph in the end. The most famous one is probably the Chung-Lu Random Graph. The first hit on google seems to give a very good introduction to the topic. Here's the gist of it:
First, for each vertex $i \in \{1, \ldots, n\}$ choose a weight $w_i$ for that vertex. There are several appropriate ways to do this, but if you want something concrete you can use $w_i = \delta \cdot (n/i)^{1/(\beta - 1)}$. This will produce a scale-free network with power-law exponent $\beta$.
Second, connect two nodes with probability $p_{i,j} := \min\{1, \frac{w_i w_j}{\sum_k w_k}\}$
I hope this helps. If you have any further questions, don't hesitate to ask.