As a newcomer to the field of parallel computation, is it accurate to say that CPUs are essentially "thread" calculators? My current understanding is that a "process" is made up of multiple "threads" and a single core of a CPU can execute instructions from one "thread" at a time, sometimes a bit more with hyper-threading, but essentially it is computing threads. Once the CPU, along with all of its cores, have finished calculating all the "threads" that belong to a specific "process," then that "process" would be considered complete.
So like an analogy of this concept would be:
A CPU can be likened to a monkey, with N number of mouths (cores). Each mouth is responsible for eating a long chain of bananas (threads) out of wooden crates (processes). By connecting more banana chains from a program to an empty and waiting core/mouth, we can increase the rate at which the program is completed/emptied. A program is deemed complete once the wooden crate is emptied of all bananas.
Would the following interpretation be correct?