Given a language $L_u$, about which we know that there exists a non-deterministic turing machine which accepts it (as in, implying $L_u \in RE$) with memory complexity of $c^{p(n)}$, where $c$ is a constant and $p(n)$ a polynomial, can we decide whether $L_u \in R$ or not?
Memory complexity represents the largest difference of indices of used slots of the tape. So I believe $L_u \in EXPSPACE$, although here it is defined using a constant, whereas most articles use a 2 to the power of some polynomial. This is why I'm not sure about that fact.
Basically, what I'm asking is:
Is $L_u \in EXPSPACE$?
If it is, can this fact be used to derive whether $L_u \in R$, and how?
If not, how can the fact that $L_u \in RE$ and that the turing machine has a memory complexity of $c^{p(n)}$ be used to determine whether $L_u \in R$, and how?