The algorithm should return the majority element if it exists (majority meaning that there are $> n/2$ occurrences in the array)
I came up with this linear divide and conquer algorithm, but I'm not sure if it's correct. It returns an array with two elements, the name of the majority element and a number that is less than or equals to its occurrences. Can someone help to prove/disprove it?
def findMajority(arr):
if len(arr) == 1:
return [arr[0], 1]
leftHalf = findMajority(arr[:len(arr)/2])
rightHalf = findMajority(arr[len(arr)/2:])
if leftHalf[0] is None and rightHalf[0] is not None: #Left half is indeterminate
return [rightHalf[0], rightHalf[1]]
if leftHalf[0] is not None and rightHalf[0] is None: #Right half is indeterminate
return [leftHalf[0], leftHalf[1]]
if leftHalf[0] is None and rightHalf[0] is None: #Both halves are indeterminate
return [None, 0]
if leftHalf[0] == rightHalf[0]: #Majority in both halves is the same
return [leftHalf[0], leftHalf[1] + rightHalf[1]]
elif leftHalf[1] < rightHalf[1]: #Right majority has more occurrences
return [rightHalf[0], rightHalf[1]]
elif leftHalf[1] > rightHalf[1]: #Left majority has more occurrences
return [leftHalf[0], leftHalf[1]]
else: #There is no winner between the two halves and they have equal occurrences
return [None, 0]
EDIT: It returns the wrong answer for [2,2,2,2,1,1,1,0,1,1,1,0,1,1,1,0] . So it doesn't work.