Treewidth :
1) By chordal graphs : size of the largest clique $(\omega (G))$ - 1 in a chordal completion of the graph $G$.
A tree decomposition of $G = (V , E)$ consists of a tree $T$ (on a different node set from $G$), and a subset $V_t ⊆ V$ associated with each node $t$ of $T$. (We will call these subsets $V_t$ the “pieces” of the tree decomposition.) We will sometimes write this as the ordered pair $(T , {V_t : t ∈ T })$. The tree T and the collection of pieces $\{V_t : t ∈ T \}$ must satisfy the following three properties
(Node Coverage) Every node of $G$ belongs to at least one piece $V_t$.
(Edge Coverage) For every edge $e$ of $G$, there is some piece $V_t$ containing both ends of $e$.
(Coherence) Let $t_1, t_2,$ and $t_3$ be three nodes of $T$ such that $t_2$ lies on the path from $t_1$ to $t_3$. Then, if a node $v$ of $G$ belongs to both $V_{t_{1}}$ and $V_{t_{3}}$, it also belongs to $V_{t_2}$
So we define the width of a tree decomposition $(T , {V_t })$ to be one less than the maximum size of any piece $V_t$ (over all $t$): $$width (T , {V_t}) = max |V_t| − 1$$
Claim 1: If size of largest clique in a chordal decomposition of graph is say $k$ then by tree decomposition we will get tree width $k$
Proof : let us assume that largest clique size in chordal completion graph is $k$, so there exist a bag (subset of vertices of graph) that contain the clique ( due to edge coverage ). so we are done.
claim 2 : If tree width is $k$ by tree decomposition method then by chordal completion method also is $k$
Question : How to prove the claim 2 ?High level proof will be welcomed.