Let $A$ be the language consisting of descriptions of Turing machines $\{M_1, M_2, \dots \}$, where each $M_i$ is a decider. Prove that $A$ is not Turing-recognizable.
Then suppose $A$ is Turing-recognizable and suppose $s = \{s_1, s_2, \dots \}$ is a set of all possible binary strings. Then I construct decider $D$ as follows. On input $w$, if $w$ is not equal to binary string, then reject. Else, $w$ is a binary string that is equal to $s_i$ for some $i$. Use the enumerator $E$ to print the $i$-th output which is $M_i$. If $M_i$ accepts $s_i$, $D$ is going to reject $s_i$. Otherwise, accept $s_i$.
But in the last step, what happens when $M_i$ doesn't have defined transition over the alphabet $\{0,1\}$? Does $M_i$ immediately enter a reject state? What should I argue?