The pumping lemma states a proprety of regular languages:
If $L$ is a regular language then there exists an integer $p$ such that if $w \in L$ has length at least $p$ then it can be written as $w = xyz$, where $|xy| \leq p$, $y \neq \epsilon$, and $xy^iz \in L$ for all $i \geq 0$.
Unfortunately, this property doesn't characterize regular languages. That is, there exist non-regular languages which also satisfy the property stated in the lemma. An example is $\{a^i b^{j^2} : i,j \geq 0 \} \cup \{ b^k : k \geq 0 \}$.
Your language satisfies the pumping lemma with $p = 4$. If $w \in ab^*cd^*e$ has length at least 4, then it must contain $b$s or $d$s. You can check that if it contains $b$s then you can take $y = b$, and if it contains no $b$s then you can take $y = d$.
As stated above, this doesn't prove that the language is regular. The simplest way to show that $ab^*cd^*e$ is regular is to use the fact that all languages given by regular expressions are regular. It is also not hard to construct a DFA that accepts your language.
regular? $\endgroup$