You don't need to remove $F$ from your definition, you just don't use it in the definition for the accepted words.
Let $(p, w, \beta) \in Q \times \Sigma^* \times\Gamma^*$ be the current full state description of the PDA, where $p$ is the current state, $w$ the yet unread input and $\beta$ the current stack. The accepted language $L(M)$ then is normally defined as
$$L(M) = \{w \in \Sigma^*\mid (q_0, w, Z) \vdash^* (q, \varepsilon, \beta), q \in F, \beta \in \Gamma^*\}$$
i.e. all words that, when completely read, result after zero or more steps of the machine in a state that is in the set of final states $F$. (Definitions also vary whether your stack is empty at start or initialized with a single symbol $Z$, and whether it should be empty when the final state is reached.)
For your modified PDA you can define an L' as follows:
$$L'(M) = \{w \in \Sigma^*\mid (q_0, w, Z) \vdash^* (q, w', \varepsilon), q \in Q, w' \in \Sigma^*\}$$
The most important changes here are that the language doesn't depend on $F$ anymore and that the condition for an accepted word is a series of machine steps that leads to an empty stack.