According to Wikipedia:
Shannon's entropy measures the information contained in a message as opposed to the portion of the message that is determined (or predictable). Examples of the latter include redundancy in language structure or statistical properties relating to the occurrence frequencies of letter or word pairs, triplets etc.
So entropy is a measure of the amount of information contained in a message. Entropy coders are used to losslessy compress such a message to the minimum number of bits needed to represent it (entropy). To me this looks like a perfect entropy encoder would be all that is needed to losslessy compress a message as much as possible.
Many compression algorithms however use steps before entropy coding to supposedly reduce the entropy of the message.
According to german Wikipedia
Entropiekodierer werden häufig mit anderen Kodierern kombiniert. Dabei dienen vorgeschaltete Verfahren dazu, die Entropie der Daten zu verringern.
In english:
Entropy coders are frequently combined with other encoders. Previous steps serve to reduce the entropy of the data.
i.e. bzip2 uses the Burrows-Wheeler-Transform followed by a Move-To-Front-Transform before applying entropy coding (Huffman coding in this case).
Do these steps really reduce the entropy of the message, which would imply reducing the amount of information contained in the message? This seems contradictory to me, since that would mean that information was lost during compression, preventing lossless decompression. Or do they merely transform the message to improve the efficiency of the entropy coding algorithm? Or does entropy not correspond directly to the amount of information in the message?