Credit to KleinBerg and Taros Book
Some of your friends have gotten into the burgeoning field of time-series data mining, in which one looks for patterns in sequences of events that occur over time. Purchases at stock exchanges—what’s being bought— are one source of data with a natural ordering in time. Given a long sequence $S$ of such events, your friends want an efficient way to detect certain “patterns” in them—for example, they may want to know if the four events:
{buy Yahoo, buy eBay, buy Yahoo, buy Oracle}
occur in this sequence $S$, in order but not necessarily consecutively. They begin with a collection of possible events (e.g., the possible transactions) and a sequence $S$ of $n$ of these events. A given event may occur multiple times in $S$ (e.g., Yahoo stock may be bought many times in a single sequence S). We will say that a sequence $S'$ is a subsequence of $S$ if there is a way to delete certain of the events from S so that the remaining events, in order, are equal to the sequence $S'$. So, for example, the sequence of four events above is a subsequence of the sequence
{buy Amazon, buy Yahoo, buy eBay, buy Yahoo, buy Yahoo, buy Oracle}
Their goal is to be able to dream up short sequences and quickly detect whether they are subsequences of $S$. So this is the problem they pose to you: Give an algorithm that takes two sequences of events—$S'$ of length $m$ and $S$ of length $n$, each possibly containing an event more than once—and decides in time $O(m+n)$ whether $S'$ is a subsequence of $S$.
Here is my pseudocode to this solutions:
set i and j to 1
when i <= S.length & j <= S'.length{
if S(i) is the same as S'(j)
then increment i and j by 1
else just increment i
if ( j > S'.length) {
return true
My proof of correctness of optimality:
Let $A = (j_1,\cdots,j_m)$ be the sequence found by our greedy solution and hence return true, and let $B = (l_1,\cdots,l_n)$, be the sequence found by an optimal solution and also returns true.
We prove by induction that the greedy algorithm will succeed in returning true if a match was found and will ensure that $j_m \ge l_n$, showing that the greedy is as optimal as the optimal solution.
Base: Consider the case where $m = 1$ and $n = 1$, then the algorithm let $j_1$ of $A$ and $l_1$ of $B$ be the first events found and hence $j_1 >= l_1$.
IH: Now the case where $m > 1$ and $n > 1$, and assume $m-1 < A.\text{length}$ and $n-1 < B.\text{length}$, and by the IH, we have found events matching the subsequence and hence also $j_{m-1}$ and $l_{n-1}$, has a match, giving use $m-1 \ge n-1$. Knowing that the next for either solutions would be at $j_m$ and $l_n$ and hence $A=B$, and hence $j_m \ge ln$. Hence the greedy is as good as the optimal. ///
Would this be a way to prove the optimality as I cannot find another optimal that takes more than $O(n+m)$, hence just showing that the optimal and greedy would give the same result.?? Very confused.
Thanks in advance.