It can be done with two auxiliary variables, y1,y2
x1 >= y1
x1 >= y2
x1 <= y1 + y2
x2 + x3 + x4 >= 3*(y2 - y1)
x2 + x3 + x4 <= 2 + y1 + y2
x5 + x6 >= 2*(y1 - y2)
x5 + x6 <= 1 + y1 + y2
x7 >= y1 + y2 - 1
x7 <= y1 + y2
The idea here is that if (y1,y2) = (0,1)
, then the first and-clause is forced to be true; if (y1,y2) = (1,0)
, then the second and-clause is forced to be true; if (y1,y2) = (1,1)
, then the third and-clause is forced to be true; and if (y1,y2) = 0
, then all three and-clauses are forced to be false.
In other words, (y1,y2)
represents the index (in binary) of which of the three and-clauses is true; or (0,0)
if none of them are true.
I would be surprised if it is possible to encode your constraint using only a single auxiliary variable.
This trick can be generalized: if you have an OR of $2^k-1$ AND-clauses, then you can find an encoding that uses $k$ auxiliary variables.