Recap of the terms from the dictionary:
- semantics: the study of meaning in a language (words, phrases, etc) and of language constructs in programming languages (basically any syntactically valid part of a program that generates an instruction or a sequence of instructions that perform a specific task when executed by the CPU)
- operational: related to the activities involved in doing or producing something
- denotational: the main meaning of a word
- axiomatic: obviously true and therefore not needing to be proved
Wikipedia's main article about: semantics.
This says that the meaning of a language construct is specified by the computation it induces. It is of interest how the effect of a computation is produced. My understanding of this is that this basically describes the meaning of all the operations involved in a program (from the most basic to the most complex).
arithmetic operations: 1 + 1, 10 ** 2, 19 // 3
etc. In this case it analyzes the meaning of the steps involved in producing a result given n operands
and n operators
. This can be further boiled down to what each operand means (so in my examples each number is defined in the domain of natural numbers [1, 2, ..., n], etc.
assignment operations: x = 5, y = 5 ** 2, z = 10 ** 2 // 3 * (99 + 1024)
etc. In this case it involves an evaluation of the value of the mathematical expression on the right and assigning it to the identifier on the left.
augmented assignment operations: x += y, z *= t
etc. In this case it involves an evaluation of each identifier once, and performing an arithmetic operation first, followed by an assignment operation last.
This says that meanings are modelled by mathematical objects that represent the effect of executing the constructs. It is of interest only the effect of a computation, not how it is produced. My understanding of this is basically that it's related to mathematical functions, which take something as an input, do some computation which you don't care about and produce a result, which you care about. Since denotational means the main meaning, I take this as: the name of your functions/methods/identifiers should constrain the possible interpretations of what they do, ideally to be exact.
: should pretty much do what it says, take an unordered iterable as its input and return it ordered (you don't care how it does that under the hood)
: should take an array return the smallest value (you don't care how it does it)
: should take an array return the largest value (you don't care how it does it)
Some properties of the effect of executing the constructs are expressed as assertions. Some aspects of the executions may be ignored. My understanding of this is that it's related to boolean algebra and logic.
expr1 and expr2
: if expr1 is False
then the entire boolean expression is False
and it short-circuits and expr2
is not evaluated
Or even compound statements:
if expr1:
elif expr2:
elif expr3:
The effect is the result of executing the above construct and you assert its value based on whichever boolean expression yield true, the rest of them being ignored.
Are my examples for each category of semantics accurate and if not can one please provide some simple (not formal as Wikipedia does it with mathematical formulas, etc) examples of each semantic category? Examples that would match what we encounter in normal, day to day computer programs.
The gist of it is that semantic ties an identifier (word, symbol, sign) to its real meaning. The way it does this can be further boiled down to:
Operational semantics ties any type of operation (arithmetic, assignment, etc.) to the computation involved.
Denotational semantics ties identifiers to their meaning (so this is basically the most common one in programming). It's when you define a function it should do what it says. So for instance if you define a function dat says add_numbers(x, y)
it should add x
to y
and not multiply them.
Axiomatic semantics ties the outcome of constructs to assertions. Basically boolean algebra (short-circuits in logical expressions, code branching (if-elif-else, switch-cases, etc).