I'm looking for someone who can tell me which algorithm this is and help me to clearify what the variable mean.
$g_j$ : the shortest path length from $1$ to $j$
$t_{i,j}$: the length from $i$ to $j$
$\mathrm{SCS}$: successive set
$S$: Start node, $G$: Goal node
\begin{align} &f_G = 0 \\ &f_i = \infty, \forall i ≠ G \\ &t_{i,j} = \infty, \forall (i, j) \notin T \\ &t_{i,j} > 0 , \forall (i, j) \in T\\ &T = \{1, 2, . . . , N − 1, N\}, \quad Ť = \{\emptyset\} \\ &\text{Do while $T$ is not empty} \\ &\qquad j^* = \arg\min_{j\in T} f_j \\ &\qquad \text{for }i \in \mathrm{SCS}(j^*)\\ &\qquad\qquad f_i = \min \{f_i , t_{i,j}^* + f_j^*\}\\ &\qquad \text{Remove $ j^*$ from T, add $j^* $ to Ť} \\ &\text{Stop while }j^*= S \end{align}